I have used the Power Now on the YZ 250 f, which I really liked and wouldn't have one with out it. I also have an '03 YZ 250, Has anybody tried one on their 250 2 stroke......?
Make your own for about a dollar. Just takes about an hour or so.Do a search on power now. There have been posts explaining how to do it. I made one for my sons 02 rm125 and my 01 kx250. Not worth a hundred bucks but for a dollar and an hour of work it was a DEAL !
Make your own for about a dollar. Just takes about an hour or so.Do a search on power now. There have been posts explaining how to do it. I made one for my sons 02 rm125 and my 01 kx250. Not worth a hundred bucks but for a dollar and an hour of work it was a DEAL !
Itook a hack saw blade to cut into the venturi. all you need is a grove about .020" or so.Be very careful not to cut to the slide cutaway or you ruin your carb. I got a piece of .060" stainless and cut to fit .020" from the slide. I peened the outside of the venturi to keep the plate in place.
I tried one on my 03 CR250. It helped bottom end, but it really hurt top end - I had to jet it way, way leaner on the main - about five sizes down! In my opinion, it was not worth the trade off, and I took it out. I played a lot with jetting and couldn't get the bike to run as well on top with the Power Now in there.
I tried one on my 03 CR250. It helped bottom end, but it really hurt top end - I had to jet it way, way leaner on the main - about five sizes down! In my opinion, it was not worth the trade off, and I took it out. I played a lot with jetting and couldn't get the bike to run as well on top with the Power Now in there.
The best cost-effective mod for low end (on my CR250) was to gear it down. I went back to stock gearing, however, after trying this (a 49 rear). I didn't like the trade off of more bottom end at the expense of a shorter run in each gear. I preferred to clutch it in the corners, and leave the Honda to play to its strength - higher RPM running.
Maybe an FMF gnarly pipe would help? I was using an SST (another top end enhancing mod)