Powervalve Cleaning


May 31, 2001
Ok guys, I know this is probbaly a pretty baisc question, but I am new at this.....

I want to clean my power valve, but I am not really sure where to begin. Any tips? I just want to make sure I do this right and don't screw anything up. Thanks for the info...


Jun 21, 2000
Those recent desings are self scraping. If it isn't stuck, why bother. I only clean it when I do a top end job. Maybe having a look at the diagram might give you an idea of how it is put together. Good Luck! (Click Link)


Jul 8, 2002
Yea, don't bother unless you're ripping apart the engine to do a top end. There's no advantage to cleaning them manually unless you're losing top end due to them sticking.


Sep 15, 2002
Yes you do need to clean them. Obviously you already have them apart or you would want to clean them. Go to your local automotive store and get some of that carb cleaner that comes in a gallon can (looks like a paint bucket). It has a dip net in it so you can set them in there and let them soak. Although, these carb cleaners are 2 parts you will need to mix it well so the chemicals can work like they need to. Do this every hour (when you can) until your parts are clean. Also before you soak them make sure you get any crap off there with a screw driver or, my personal fav, a popsickle stick. That way you wont have to work about pitting or damaging your parts. Also be sure to remove any rubber or plastic pieces before soaking. Tha cleaner will make it swell up and they will no longer be good to you. Remember before you put your power valves back in, make sure you have a owners manual or something of the nature that explains placement of these into the head. IT IS SUPER IMPORTANT THAT YOU LINE THESE UP CORRECTLY. Plus you will need to coat your parts in some 2 stoke oil before reinstalling them. Well hope that was not too much, but that is what "DRN" is for right?!? Later. ~125MxRider~
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