
Dec 2, 2001
I have had excellent results with Decal Works backgrounds. They are well made and hold up very well. www.decalmx.com is the link.


Nov 14, 2000
I used decal works for a long time and this time I decided to switch to the DX1 I wanted the air box decals to go with it and I liked the 8" works style font they had. Well when I got them they had this if it doesn't ship by such n such date you get them free. Well I requested yellow back grounds with black numbers!

Well about a week go's by I should have them by now yea thier customer service wasn't the greatest cause I still got charged. Well turns out the graphics manufacure had an issue with the colors wanting to bleed. But neglected to say something after getting alittle mad with thier service I ended up getting a credit. They ate like $145 order I feel kinda bad but hey all I did was made them live up to thier advertisement!

As far as the quality they are like the same! thickness, glue just different color/font style scheme. Then after seeing decal works new style for the front number plate on the '06 YZ's i'm glad I got the DX1's I like thier style more.
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