I've got a PC pipe on my KDX and would like one of those fitted pipe guards like the carbon fiber looking ones...but I can't find any. Any suggestions?
Also are there some other pipe guards out there that you guys run that work and fit really well?
Thanks in advance!
Can you get the carbon fiber looking ones like E-Line sells that form fit to the pipe for a bike as old as mine? 1991
I like the way those look but they don't list a model for my bike.
Do a search on this forum for pipe guards and you'll find some instructions on building your own. It’s very easy, they work and if you take your time look great. Expect to pay about $15.
If you can't find the instructions get back to us and I'll post them again.
i have a pc pipe and got the maier pipe guard for $30 from d kirk. nice guard,comes in three colors and will fit any pipe. some guys beat them up cause they are not new and trendy...but they fit and work great.
You can get them from FRP. I'm pretty sure it's the home made one Dave is talking about. I think I gave 55.00 for mine. Next time I believe it will give making my own a try.