Jan 16, 2000
I hung my front caliper above my head, using the theory that it's easier to get air to go up. Once I got it hung up high, I opened my bleed valve on the caliper. It's all straight uphill from the master cylinder to the caliper. I fill my master cyclinder, then pump away on the lever. It blows bubbles for a while, then fluid. Eventually, the master cylinder gets low, so I stop to fill it again. But then the next time I pump, it blows air again. This happened 5 or 6 times and I went thru nearly 8 oz of brake fluid.

Finally, I gave up and shut the bleed valve and pumped away, but it never got any pressure at the lever. Do I have a leak in the system somewhere? There's no fluid coming out anywhere other than the bleeder and what I spill from the master cylinder. I NEVER let the fluid in the master cylinder get low while doing this, avoiding sucking air into the lines. Another weird thing is this: When I release the lever quickly after clamping down, fluid shoots up out of the master cylinder. (This may mean nothing, I realize).



Dec 27, 1999
I have good luck doing everything backwards. From the normal position (reservoir at the top, caliper at the bottom) I squeeze the brake pads all the way open with a C-clamp. This forces all the fluid (and air) up and out into the reservoir. Watch for overflow! I then syphon (a syringe works well) the old fluid out of the reservoir, refill it with new, and then pump it all back thru using the conventional method until I get clean fluid.


Oct 4, 2002
I have just done on this for my buddy. I had him hold the lever in while I first sucked all the fluid out. Then, I used a syringe on the bleed valve, with lever still pulled in pushed the fluid up the line. It worked well.

It took a few tries because I kept getting these small air bubbles in the syringe that we getting stuck in the caliper. Just take your time and make sure that there are no air bubbles in syringe when you push the fluid through.


Jul 8, 2002
Here's an easy way to bleed your brakes:

-First, get the socket ready and put it on the bleader nut but don't loosen.
-Pull the brake lever down all the way, and while holding the lever down open and close the bleader nut right away (leave open less than 1 second).
-Then simply let out the lever and repeat as needed, fill the reservoir when you are done or before then if you repeat that step alot.

The reason this works well is because unlike fluid, air can be compressed. When you press in the lever, the air bubbles rush toward the pads, and escape out the bleader valve when you open it for an instant. Try it, you'll be glad you didn't start messing with syringes.

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