problems with this site

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Dec 4, 2001
I would be contacting Dave on this matter, but since I cannot send any mail, look at profiles, contact using private message I cant do this without posting. Is there something that I am missing here? I cannot even edit my own posts. I have been a member for a couple of years, but recently returned to the board after a short time of inactivity. Any help would be apprectiated.


Dec 4, 2001
Wow, when I started here, some of those options were available to members WITHOUT having to pay. I guess ones input to this forum is not enough.

Sad, now you have to pay to use options that most other forums consider basic. I have a hard time believing the 13 something adversitements on the left of the screen cannot cover the costs for this site. Instead, you ask for money from the members for normal features, that the site once had already.


Aug 19, 2000
Yeah I agree for the most part. I remember when we could use most of those basic features for free. Although I know it must cost a lot to keep this site running, just in the amount of traffic the sites produces and the band width and traffic, not to mention the server and stuff. Although I don't know if your guys own your own server and facility or have unlimited data transfer, really effects the amount they have to spend to keep this site open. Although even with all that, with all the sponsors and merchandise and membership fees I think we should get back some of these basic features like signatures and private messaging, viewing profiles. I mean I have never seen a site to deny those basic features to non-subscribers before.
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