Quitting Smoking


Today's Tom Sawyer
Damn Yankees
Aug 24, 2000
Good point Carp. A friend's mother is one of those that has to carry around an oxygen bottle.....still smokes over a pack a day. It's very hard for my friend to watch her mom wither away. Sadly, it is too late now, as she has emphysema and spots on her lungs.

High Lord Gomer

Poked with Sticks
Sep 26, 1999
I smoked with both hands for 10 years. When I quit, I put one patch on in the morning, another at lunch, and another in the evening. After 3 weeks of that I quit the patches, too.

That was 11 years ago and I still want one!


Jan 27, 2000
High Lord Gomer said:
After 3 weeks of that I quit the patches, too.

That was 11 years ago and I still want one!

Well, you'r not supposed to smoke the patches. ;) :) :rotfl: :rotfl:


Nov 25, 2002
Nothing hurts more than seeing your parents die slowly and knowing that you can't do anything about it. My dad died in 1999 of emphysema and struggled for a long time with it. About 17 months later my mother was sick and went in for an X-Ray and they found a tumor on her lung about the size of a baseball. She was dead about 3 months later. Both were due to smoking.

Please stop if you can!


Jan 30, 2003
I'm 28 right now and I was at a pack a day at 15. But I think I'm ready to quit also, now that I have a non-smoking GF. I just gotta get my nerve up and do it.

Okie, I'm with ya on the 1st.


Jun 13, 2002
A few years back I ran across a "stop smoking workshop" while doing missionary work for my church. It had some pretty interesting tips:

1. You must address the physical (nicotine addiction) and psychological (habit) aspects of smoking.
2. For nicotine withdrawal, Vitamin C helps to "scrub" your system and speed up your body's natural purging process.
3. For the habit part of smoking it's a little more involved. You've got to eliminate all traces of smoking (ash trays, smoking paraphenalia, smoke smell, etc) to prevent "triggering" a craving by smelling or tasting cigarette smoke. It's also really important to keep yourself (and your hands) busy, especially at the beginning. Gum chewing, sunflower seeds, healthy snacks, etc can help with this.

Another interesting point: cigarette smoke isn't the only thing that triggers cravings to smoke. I guess your mind doesn't necessarily separate the different things we crave (thirst, hunger, caffeine, nicotine, or heaven forbid narcotics), so it's important to stay hydrated and eat healthy. It's also really key to brush your teeth after every snack/meal so you don't trigger a craving with food, etc.

Anyway, my .02. I really hope this helps you guys; I feel for you and I know you're doing the right thing by quitting. :)


Chat Mom
Feb 8, 2000
Ol'89r said:
I tried that. Didn't work.
One day I saw an add for a hypnotist. 'Quit smoking for $ 35.00.
Both my Dad and his Mother quit this way. They both had been smoking pretty much all their lives but successfully quit after seeing a hypnotist. Course my Dad then put on about 50lbs popping jelly beans instead........but at least quit smoking. ;)
It was pretty much too late for my Grandma though, she's on an oxygen tank now.

Isn't today National Smoke Out Day or something?

I wish MrLuckey could quit. It's not something you can force someone else to do (unless you kill them) ;) He has to make the decision to do it and do it on his own. I know he wants to quit but I guess he's just not ready yet. In the mean time I have to deal with the stinky garage, stinky truck, stinky boyfriend. Bleh.

I've smoked off and on in my life. For some reason I must not be addicted to nicotine. I could always just take it or leave it. Would smoke for a few months, then just stop for a year or more. I haven't smoked in a long time but even in those brief moments when I do I still can't stand the smell. I would routinely scrub my arms and hands, brush my teeth, and change my clothes right after a cigarette. That smell is just NASTY!!


Dec 29, 1999
OK who's in - Jan 1 ?


Nov 9, 2000
I'm sticking with my current plan.....If I fall off the wagon, I'll be there again Jan. 1


May 4, 2004
I'm jumping on.

I rode 43 miles of whooped out desert silt today and it just about killed me. Somethings gotta give.


Oct 7, 2001
Good luck to everybody that is going to quit. I have been off chewing tobacco for 2 years this month after chewing for 30 years. Part of my incentive was my wife telling me I could get a CRF450 if I quit. I used the gum method. I still get cravings for a dip today and probably always will, but I feel much better, and I have some extra spending money to boot. It's a hard thing to do, but it's really worth it. I'll be thinking about everybody.


Apr 6, 2002
Funny this topic came up now. The place I work(hospital) is going totally tobacco free Jan 1. I have an appointment with my doctor Monday to see what I can get to help me quit. This will be my first time quitting. Only been smoking for 36 years. Shooting for Jan.1. Watched my mother die with imphysema 7 years ago. I should have quit then. So I am down for JAN 1!! LET'S DO IT!! :bang: :bang: :bang:


Dec 15, 2000
I quit after 28 years of smoking 3 years ago. It was definitely the hardest 1 week of my life.

I tried patches, schick centers, gum Etc. but what did it was I finally made up my mind to quit.

I broke my back in 3 places at a desert race. My wife started in on me to quit riding. I decided that I could only maintain one risky behavior. So either smoking or MC's had to go. I still remind her that MC's got me to quit.

I set goals like just make it to 12:00, then 2:00 on & on. The worst thing about it is you know the whole time that with just one drag, all your suffering ends. The first 3 or 4 months were tough but it justs gets easier & easier.

I haven't taken so much as a puff in the last 3 years because I'm afraid the I will start again and have to go through that week of hell all over.

Resign yourself to how tough it's going to be and do it. Dirtbikers are some of the toughest dudes I know. I am glad that I did.

Some of the good things are:

1. My wind is so much better on the long rides and races I do. No more gasping for breath at the top of a long uphill.
2. I don't have to fear the 6 hour flight to Hawaii anymore.
3. I don't have to hide outside after Thanksgiving dinner because I'm the only smoker.
4. I can drive around with the A/C on and the windows CLOSED. You can't believe how much better it works.
5. I don't have to worry about how I smell to a prospective customer right after lunch.

I hope I can encourage at least one of you guys to quit.


Dec 29, 1999
You guys that are in the process of quitting now keep after us on teh 1st- I know I am going to need all the help I can get ! Maybe we need a special "place" in the forums to keep each other in line

next step, lose the gut !


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
I'm in for the 1st.
This aint gonna be pretty :bang:


Mr. Meltsomeglass
Jul 25, 1999
btw, what year are we talking about? 2007?


2005 Lori Nyland Award Winner
Nov 12, 1999
Quiting is one of the hardest things to do, after 15 years of 2 packs of menthols a day, I placed a pack on the dash, opened, and laid lighter on top. Then didn't touch them for 3 months, cheated once, never again.

bottom line is you really have to want to. and do it for that reason, if you don't your chances are greatly depleted.

My wife still smokes and its tuff at times, but I don't preach, individuals have to do it individually.

just my take


oh yea i gain a bunch of wieght to damit


Dec 31, 1969
Yeah, I think we need a forum with no "bad word" censor.... a place to come at yell at each other for this quitting idea.

I REALLY hope this house sells before then, but on a positive note... I'm here alone (Scooter is in an apartment in Dallas) so that "bad week" or two may be by myself. While I wont have any in-house support, I'll depend on you guys :). Plus, I won't end up sleeping in the garage.

Tony Eeds

Godspeed Tony.
N. Texas SP
Jun 9, 2002
Okiewan said:
Everyone I know that sucessfully quit, did it cold turkey.

I quit the first day of Basic Training. I had always heard that an abrupt and total change helps, so that is what I used.

It still took me 20+ years to really get completely over the pull. Ever now and again I see someone with a smoke and I feel the tug.

Good luck to ANYONE that tries to quit. I believe it is the best thing you can do for your health.

BTW - Okie, move to Dallas proper, smoking is banned in restaurants here. It has a bunch of folks :pissed: but personally I like going to a restaurant and not having to smell smoke. I know it would have helped me when I was trying to quit. That was the hardest part of the habit to break.

I heard that only 22% of Texans smoke last night in a story about the Great American Smokeout. Funny, but that seems high as I know just a handful of people that smoke.


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Okiewan said:
OK just past a .50 per pack tax.

I remember when cigarettes cost 52 cents a pack, and were sold in the VA hospital where I worked. Smoking was allowed throughout the hospital, too. :ohmy:

Things have changed a little since 1979.

I quit my 2.5 pack-a-day-habit cold turkey back in 1995.


Dec 31, 1969
Ya know, I'm showing my age again, but I remember when they were .36! 1975-76.
A quater, a dime and a penny off Pokie's dresser was all it took... lol. Sounds like a drug addict stealing to support the habbit, no?

Sorry Pokie. I owe you about $50. lol.

I started working towards quitting a couple months ago, when I changed to some crap brand, made in OK actually... $12 a carton. At least I'm saving money. Bad thing is, they aren't that bad.

Sure is nice that the youth of today isn't living in a smoking culture like the lot of us older folks did. Hell, I remember Fred Flintstone and Barney Rubble Winston commercials. We didn't stand a chance!!
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