R&D's P-38 Lighting for FCR Carb. Need Advise


Nov 8, 1999
Thanks for the update, Bob!

I am glad you got the same type of reusults I did with that needle. The guru who gave me the heads up on this needle is a member here. He just doesn't want the press. - Great guy though, thru and thru;) Actually Bob, he reminds me a lot of you.

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Dec 26, 2001

Gosh, there's really a lot of love here. :moon:

The change back to, or close to, the old A/P settings made the bike rip/snort again today. Now I can go back to figuring out what's wrong with the nut behind the bars!
As for the D needles, where are they richer and where are they not? Seems today my bike behaved better the further up into the hills I got (i.e. higher altitude and hotter engine) so that would make me think it's still too lean...(?) And what do I do about the miserable fuel mileage? I suppose it doesn't help I like to BLAAAAP the throttle a lot instead of using smooth steady throttle. And the bike didn't like the 11mm float height either, so I went down to 10mm. Bob, Stony next weekend? Warning: I ride like a sissy, I pulled my bike off 5 hillls today, scraping the swingarm, cases and plastic all over those friendly Carnegie rocks.
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