Rampart riding


Oct 9, 2001
I have never ridden at Rampart and am wanting to as soon as it opens back up from the fires. What is the riding like out there and how do you get to it. Opinions of the area are welcomed, and is there any other riding areas like it nearby, I live in the Parker area.
Thanks guys.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Um... Rampart has been open for a while now so stop waiting and get up there! Opinion: It's great fun!


Jul 21, 1999
Yea, what CJ said,

Be careful though, all the trails are two-way so watch for on coming traffic and for quads.

Pick up a map at Fay Myers or at the Sprucewood.

Have a ball!



Mar 2, 2000
Rampart is great. Can't beat it. You can easily do 50 miles a ride and never hit the same trail. It is very easy to get to:

C470 West to Santa Fe
Santa Fe South about 10 miles to Sedaila
Go West at the Sedaila Bar and Grill about 10 milies to the entrance to Rampart.
Park along Rampart Range Road.

Make sure you have a map. Easy to get lost until you get use to the area.

The trails are just wide enough for a four wheeler which there are an increasingly number of out there. You always have to be aware of head on collisions but running into one of those pigs would suck.

Do what I do, let your buddy go first. The trails are slick and dusty. Unless it rains, then it is like riding on a rail, super tacky. Other than Woodland, which is closed, there really isn't any other woods riding close by. But the mountains are only 90 minutes away.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Hey Dougie- Parts of Woodland are actually open. Not all, but a good bit. We were out there last night until dark.


Jul 21, 1999
Jen whats open out there? What did we lose? Is the damage as bad as it looked?

you can PM or e-mail me if you get a minute.

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
We lost Hacket's Gulch (for positive), the other gulches near Hacket's, and most probably the New England section of 717 (although I haven't seen that yet with my own eyes). The access to 717 closest to Woodland is open (yeah!). Also, the trails around Rainbow Falls are all open; that's where we were last night. Some fun stuff there.

What are you and Doug thinking of riding when he come into town for your wedding? Can I tag along?


Jul 21, 1999
We will hit the Wed night ride at Rampart if it happens. He wanted to get up to Granby, so I'm taking Thursday off (9/12) so we can ride up there.

IF you can get the day off I'm sure it's OK.

I want to come down and ride with you and Will soon, I'd like to see whats up down at Woodland.

Did you make it to the Hayman volunteer day? I signed up, but ended up taking the dog to the emergency vet for some surgery. (not a big deal, he's fine)

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
Thanks! Sounds good; I'll plan on Wed night at Rampart for sure. 'Wish I could take off for a full day midweek, but you know how that goes typically. Ya'll have a good ride then :)

It'd be fun if ya come on down to Woodland sometime and we'll spend the day exploring what's open and what's not.

Yup, I made it to the volunteer day with some friends and we actually had a great time playing with the dirt, sharp pointy rake weapons, hay and seed. Then it rained right afterwards, so I'm hoping the seed actually took and we did a little good.


Oct 9, 2001
Not to interupt, but how do you get to Woodland and where do you ride?

CJ Rider

Apr 3, 2000
:) JW- Woodland Park is 20 miles west of Colorado Springs on Hwy 24. There're many different parking pull-offs near Woodland so it's kinda hard to give exact directions. You'll see the typical brown sign with the white arrow at the pull-offs. The trails aren't nearly as well marked as Rampart so I would just suggest to get a good map (with topo) of the area and then just start exploring. Fay Meyers has a nice map section.
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