Rebuild service?


Sponsoring Member
May 27, 2000
I was one of the early purchasers of these braces, since I ordered them after first seeing them at their introduction at the Indy Dealer Show. And while they've seen some serious racing, and an occassional crash, it wasn't a racing-every-week situation by a long shot. I'm lucky to ride twice a month over a 6-month season.

At this point, about 2 years after purchase, the braces have the following problems:

1. knee cups detach from the top of the frame when worn, to the point where I'm using duct tape to hold them in place. The little plastic tabs no longer seem to hook into anything, but are not broken. The slot in the fiberglass (?) top portion of the brace seems to have a small bit of material missing (a small sliver) on one brace, but the other one is intact and still has the same problem of the knee cups coming out.

2. the fabric straps on the knee cups on the side with the metal snaps, have rusted so badly that the snaps no longer stay snapped. This combined with the knee cup tabs mentioned in # 1 means that the cups are basically loose all the time.

3. the padding on some portions in both braces is compressed and worn down so that the brace's hard parts are rubbing my knees hard enough to leave major scabs . . . and I wear the Asterisk leg thingies. Very uncomfortable.

Do you offer some type of renovation service?

I'm about at the point where I can't or won't wear them anymore, as no matter what I do when putting them on, by the end of the day the knee cups are no longer attached to anything. Plus there's the discomfort due to failing padding. The knee cups can't be offering much protection becuz they're not longer really attached to anything, except for the duct tape. At last week's race I left the Asterisks off and rode with a pair of Fox knee pads. Lots less protection but tons more comfortable.

These knee braces have worn out much more quickly than I'd expect for something in this price range, especially since I can't trace any major crashes to the problems.


Mar 22, 2001
All your problems you talked about were changed and fixed as of awhile ago on the braces. We do a $100.00 refurb on the set, and that gets you everything new except the frames themselves. It's really a night and day difference on the comfort level/wear with all the latest updates on them.



Sponsoring Member
May 27, 2000
How long does the renovation take? I'd have to schedule it between races (then again, I've basically stopped wearing these so maybe the schedule is open).

While I'd prefer not to have to pay 20% of their original cost to get this done, I hear that an ACL operation costs a bit more. And I need two working knees for most of what I do.

Who/where do I send them and what info do I provide?



Mar 22, 2001
Call 800-459-2999, and talk to one of the girls, You need to get an RA# from them, and we normally ship them out the day after we recieve them.
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