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Honda MX & Off-Road Dirt Bikes
recommended tire for CR500????
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[QUOTE="mojoscojo, post: 653872, member: 46001"] Hmm..... Broken brush guard and clutch perch..... Loud "CRACK" noise..... Bike not shiny side up..... See items 1a and b and 1a, b and c. I think it qualifies. :P I'd count it if it was me. I'd probably even be bragging about it. "Dude! You should have SEEN this hill......" ;) Main Entry: 1crash Pronunciation: 'krash Function: verb Etymology: Middle English crasschen Date: 15th century transitive senses 1 a : to break violently and noisily : SMASH b : to damage (an airplane) in landing 2 a : to cause to make a loud noise <crash the cymbals together> b : to force (as one's way) through with loud crashing noises 3 : to enter or attend without invitation or without paying <crash the party> intransitive senses 1 a : to break or go to pieces with or as if with violence and noise b : to fall, land, or hit with destructive force c : to decline suddenly and steeply d of a computer system or program : to suffer a sudden major failure usually with attendant loss of data 2 : to make a smashing noise <thunder crashing overhead> 3 : to move or force one's way with or as if with a crash <crashes into the room> 4 slang : to experience the aftereffects (as dysphoria or depression) of drug intoxication 5 slang : to go to bed or fall asleep; also : to reside temporarily : STAY <crashing with friends for a few days> [/QUOTE]
Which ocean is California closest to?
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Dirt Bike Discussions By Brand
Honda MX & Off-Road Dirt Bikes
recommended tire for CR500????
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