Well the family is out at the cabin while I work a set of night shifts so I thought this would be the perfect few days to do some work on my bike that I never seem to find time for when my son is around and wanting to ride 24/7 :) First task I removed the chain and gave it a good cleaning, then I moved onto the carb removed it and cleaned it all up, got some cables lubed etc etc then I moved onto the thing I really wanted to check my reeds. While I'm not the most mechanically adept (see some of my previous posts for evidence :think: ) I knew that all I had to do is remove the boot between the carb and cylinder and it would be right there to remove the reed assembly. So off comes the boot and I sit there staring at the hole where I thought I would find my reed assembly, after a few perplexing moments I do what the wife always advises and get the manual. Much to my chegrin I learn that on my bike the reed assembly is UNDER the cylinder and if I want to check my reeds I need to take the top end off :( It still scares me the thought of tearing into the engine and I'd rather not take the cyliner off until the end of the season when I plan to TRY my hand at learning how to rebuild this thing and I have the time cushion of winter to learn how to fix all my screw ups :) I guess the reeds will have to wait to be checked until I get the nerve to rebuild it unless someone has some amazing confidence inspiring trick to tell me how to get a peek at em?