Responsibilities of Support Team Members


Aug 4, 2000
In the flame board, there is a thread concerning the keyword hack. Now I'm not picking on 125Rider, but this brings up the chance to address a topic; as STM's I feel that we have a certain responsibility to help work with Okie to make the site better. As a life member, making the site better and ensuring that it has a long, long life is to my benefit. In essence, we are de facto beta testers.

125, you have an excellent point about the keywords and what has happened to your sig, but I feel fairly sure that Okie didn't intend for that to happen, and a note in here will go much further to point out the areas that still need work. When there are problems on DRN, I think we, as STM's should use this private forum to address them, rather than taking matters to the Flame forum (the worst possible place to address programming changes IMO.)

Just something to ponder. :cool:

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
Thank you MX-727, for talking to me like a human being unlike someone else who just deleted my sig line all together and locked the thread. I really didn't even think of posting it in here, I wish I did because i could have brang it to Okie's attention in a more efficient manner. I didnt mean to sound like a whiney girl (im guessing that was what the nancy reference was to). Well the administrators are doing a great job here anyhow with all the great improvements & updates i've seen here lately. I have found a way around the link script for the mean time as you'll see in my new and improved sig. line.
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Rich Rohrich

Moderator / BioHazard
Jul 27, 1999
Originally posted by 125 rider
Thank you MX-727, for talking to me like a human being unlike someone else who just deleted my sig line all together and locked the thread.

GET OVER IT :whiner:

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
I am over it Rich, because I solved my own problem. Now I can tell people where to shove the pipe, without those pesky links. :D

125 rider

Sponsoring Member
Oct 1, 2000
Ok I understand, I dont complain very often so that should do me for a good while :cool:


Moto Junkie
Apr 21, 2000
Not to fuel the fire any more... but since I indeed am a whiney girl :p I got a PM titled "boots" and couldn't open it because I was re-directed to the Sidi site. I did find a way around it (opened another PM and used the "next" button) but just thought maybe I should bring it up?
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