
Nov 20, 2006
Dear sir,

Would you please help me with revalving my front fork of my kx? :bang:
I bought the bike, after it had been converted to a supermoto, with custom suspension settings. Since then I've converted the bike back in cross version (I mainly drive on heavy sand tracks) and I would very much like to know
the shims stacking (compression stroke and mid valving) for my weight, which is 89 kg~195lb (whithout gear). If possible I also like to know the sping rate (front and rear).
The problem now is that the suspension is way to hard, even with 5W-oil. For your information, when it was in supermoto it already had 5W-oil.

Mny thanks in advance,


ps: Still learning the skill and really enjoying your site, especially the forum! :nod:

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