2 B

Aug 31, 2000
Going to be hurting after race

Well I was just trying to decide for myself if I should go and race? Have you heard if there
is going to be the nasty LOOOOOOOG section or not? With all the heat( and humidity) we are having and the athletes
dying all of a sudden. Makes me think twice about riding. There will always be another race. I just don't
want this race to be my last.


Jan 6, 2001
I've decided that the spring Summer Bummer was enough for me (BRRR my butt):confused: ... I'll hold off for cooler riding in the fall. Hope there's a good turnout and it cools down for the rest of the riders.:eek:
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Apr 6, 2000
I'm pretty sure that "that" log section won't be in the race. From what I got from Fredette and WoodsRider, that was a section they had just happened to log and they got ahold of just for that one particular race. The heat will definetily be a factor. I won't go if it's gonna be 90 or something... 75 the day of the BRR was rough. Anyway... well to each their own... I'm gonna do my best to be there! :)


Jul 28, 1999
Come on, Baked - I'd kill for 90 degrees down here!! Actually, I just looked at the thermometer and it's only 87 out (not bad for St. Louis in August), so I should be out riding instead of changing the fork oil. Unfortunately I will miss Naked City for the first time in a long while. I wish someone would take some pictures of the "scenery" so that the rest of the board could share in our excitement.

VOR 492

Feb 18, 2001
I am going rain, snow, or hot and Humid. Nothing with keep me from the Bares!!!!!!
If you gonna die from the heat, a least die with the bares. Hope they have a few jugs...........of water that is. :p


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by VOR 492
Nothing with keep me from the Bares!!!!!!

VOR - You need to get your eyes checked. :scream:

Good luck to all those that RIDE the Summer Bummer. To all those making excuses... :confused:

KaTooMer - How much did you pay your cousin to reschedule her wedding for next weekend? :p


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Heck yes I am going !!!! I even have all my stuff packed and ready. Bike is ready, will ride mid week to triple check everything though.

Now, for all you Nancy boys who think it's to hot. :confused: phhhfffttt !!
Just more trophies for the men.


ps: Remember to bring a lot of water, stay in the shade when you can, and it will be fun.


Mar 19, 2001
I will be there!!! I have raced Roselawn since 1991 and it has always been hot and humid. Just put done that beer and start drinking water!!!! I been racing in the heat for the last month trying to get ready for those sand whoops. From the whooping that Joey A put on us yesterday in Iowa I would say he will be that favorite to win as he did in the spring.


Aug 2, 2000
Gee, I really wanted to ride Roselawn again but I got a chance to go ride in the Taylor Park area of Colorado. Four of us are leaving Tuesday after work and we wont be back until next Monday.:)

Anyway, you guys have fun and watch out for the bares.;)


Apr 6, 2000
Think I'm gonna go ride right now... it's 90 with 49% humidity... they say it's supposed to be a high of 80 with a Brisk NE wind on Sunday... but what the hell do they know :think ... they can't even get tomorrow right! ;)

2 B

Aug 31, 2000
How did everybody do ????

Just wondering how everybody did at the race?????? Baked how is the computer?? Where did you place?? Xr Wolf was
it worth the trip down here for the race??


Jul 31, 2000
Oh, it was worth the trip alright. The first half of it was probably the most fun I've had on a dirt bike this year. Never mind that I burned almost every check. It was fun. Then it all went from fun to plain survival for me. I ran out of water, started hieving, and took a wrong turn only to run the same section twice. Funny how one looses total sense of direction when totally exhausted. Maybe I should have layed off the brews the night before.
Those 2 huge logs didn't help either, especially since I found a way to wedge my bike in there permanently, and the sand section.....
To top it all off I lost my front brake, and that made me decide to call it a day and head home. After all, I still had to drive 3 hours in a non airconditioned truck.:(
It was great. These guys put on a really cool ride.Thank you!!!
The scariest part was when I pulled in in the morning. First I saw a bunch of nekkid people riding bicycles and then a guy walked up to my truck like he was on a mission. Scary looking guy too!!!!
Ended up being Mully;)
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Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
HA HA HA !!!!

Just be glad that I showered that morning or I could have looked a lot worse.

I did get to meet some of the guys from DRN and X-DB too. Rode with 4banger (xdb) and some of his buddies. Man that 4banger can fly on that KTM of his. He never rode an Enduro before, and none of his friends either. I kept time for them, all I had to do was nod when it was time to go. I think 4banger ended up winning his class.

It was a good run. Longer then the spring race, but I thought it was easier. They did divide the long sand sections into two parts. A lot of racers needed the break (gas) in the middle. The last section was ten miles, and it separated the men from the boys.



Mar 19, 2001
Sorry I didn't get to meet some you DRN's. I hung out in the A/C as much as possible. I thought the temp was suppose to be cool, so much for listening to the weather people!
Had a great time! Sure was thankfull they split up Miller's woods into two 10 miles sections. Rode on minute 11, talk about overgrown trail, Jeff thought it was good for the AA's to ride up front an clear the trail for everyone else. What minute did everyone ride on?
Ended up 7th overall, took a whooping from the Indian boys this year, first time in a long time that an Indian rider has overalled this event. How did everyone else end up?
XR Wolf where are you from? It only takes you 3 hours, you must be close to the IL / WI border. I live in Rockton, IL and it takes us about 3 hours. Just wondering if your close and where you practice at if at all.


Jul 31, 2000
I live in Elkhorn, 12 minutes north of Lake Geneva (about 55 minutes north of Rockford). It took me 3 hours and 10 minutes to get there, and I was not speeding.
There is not much trailriding at all around here. They all ride MX/SX. I am always looking for new places to ride and practice. I have access to a track at a friend's farm, but it's small and SX.

I was on Minute 27 and thankful that you guys mowed it down a little. At least we were able to see some of the trail;)


Mar 19, 2001
Glad to here someone liked us mowing everything down! Friend of mine on minute 10 even moved alot of barb wire out of the way for the rest of us.

Know Elkhorn well, raced indoor BMX for many years up there at the fairgrounds in the winters. Plus I come up for the fair almost every year.


Apr 6, 2000
Hey everyone... Fredette pulled minute 53 for me... I said "no way man... give me like 20 or something"... well he wouldn't, he told me I'd like 53 better, something about a Super Highway... Let me tell you... I've never been so whooped in all my life. I ended up dropping a WHOPPING 71 points. (burned one check-in by a minute... was 27 minutes late on the last section). I just died. I dropped 58 this spring... but I was working out then. Anyway, I bought a WatchDog 2000 at the race from this Farris Guy. I have to say... a very good investment if you plan to do any enduro's. Takes all the thinking (well somewhat) out of it. Great of telling you how LATE you are! :) I have to say though... I got to ride with Brad Sells this spring and he helped me out alot. It was just me and the WatchDog this time. Well... getting ready for a few more HS's and then White City. Hopefully I can get on somebody's minute like Ryan or Taber... or Fredette... I guess we'll have to see! :)

5th in 250B... Pretty sad!! :(


Dec 16, 2000
I thought it was a great ride! Even with the whoops and heat. I was dawg tired at the end. I did appreciate the AA's mowing it down as I was on minute 43. Loved that fresh cut! ;)

Hey XRWolf, my in-laws have a house on Pleasant Lake in Elkhorn. My family is up there quite often. Any good places to ride up there?



Jul 2, 2000
Thanks for the compliments Mully.

Mully and I rode on minute 49. The trail was good but whooped out in many sections. I had not ridden in sand until this and had to learn how to ride in deep sand. I saw a few bares also. Mully was a lifesaver and kept us on time in many sections. I finished with a 56. I enjoyed the enduro thing and will do it again.
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