Riding hours per day, and per top end


Nov 4, 2003
I have read a couple of posts on here by people that say they sometimes ride up to 8-10 hours a day sometimes.

I have not got my bike working yet but when I do I would like to ride it about 3 times a week for a half day. I.e 3 mornings a week.

I only want to change my top end once a year so how much can i ride my bike per week whilst still only rebuilding it once a year.

I would like to ride about 12 hours a week sometimes more sometimes less.

Will this be ok, because some people say change your top end every damn five minutes and some people say once a year.

Opinions appreciated as I want to ride as much as possable but don't want to spend £300 every month.



Mar 18, 2002
ononewheel said:
I only want to change my top end once a year so how much can i ride my bike per week whilst still only rebuilding it once a year.

? so after spending a bunch of time and money on a bike, you want to ration your riding out so you don't have to do top-ends more than once a year? hmmmm. must be a brit thing.

so what kinda bike do you have? that makes a BIIIG difference in top-end frequency. ktm300's can easily go 300 hrs or more on a top-end. 125's that are raced will more like 1/10 of that or less.

with most 250's you should be able to go a year of riding a couple times a week on a top-end, but i would replace the rings halfway through the year and inspect everything, just to be on the safe side.


Nov 4, 2003
Its not a brit thing, its a student thing. I do not want to do it exactly every year but dont want to be doing all the time as this time it cost me nearly £300 to do including piston, bearing, gaskets, carb jets etc.

And I only work part time as im a full time IT student.
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