Rm 125


Oct 8, 2009
Hi guys,
I recently purchased an 03 rm 125 and am wondering on maintenance. :bang: Does anyone know where i could get a free service manual for it? Or possibly some tips on the basics?


Oct 17, 2009
well don't know about a free service manual but you can usually get some cheap ones off ebay for a couple of £.


Oct 11, 2008
hes looking to download it in a pdf format.
Sadly i have link only for 01 and newer yamaha only.


Nov 4, 2005
just google the service manual. Otherwise, go to a local dealer and buy it. I would get a clymer also. I'm rebuilding a 98 and I wouldn't do anything without the manual (mainly becuase you won't know torque specs without it). As for basics, the manual will explain everything....and so will the search function on this forum or any other :)


P.S. search photobucket for user "bubbaxj" for pics of my rebuild.


Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
Isn't it funny how somebody will go drop a large chunk of change on a bike and even gear but they can't find the $50 for a factory service manual? Come on kids ever hear of copyrighted information? Just because it's available doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Suck it up and buy a real manual for your bike it will be worth it several times over in the long run. Oh and comparing anything else to a factory book? :laugh:

You want pointers? Again cough up a few bucks and get Eric Gorr's book. More info than most anybody could ever gather via free tidbits and they are all proven.


Nov 4, 2005

Well, you gotta think about the low-budget riders, man. And also about people who just simply don't know. I'm not making excuses, but 50 bones could relatively be quite a dent in the wallet for young riders who don't have incomes, ya know. But I do agree with you. The price for a proper service manual isn't much considering the damage you may do without it. :think: And everybody knocks Clymers, but mine has been fairly on-line with the actual owner's manual, and in some points, more in depth.



Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
There is ZERO excuse for ripping off copyrighted material. None. Using the same justification it should be OK to steal fuel from a gas station, food from a grocery store or money from a bank. Just because you don't have the bucks doesn't make it the right thing to do. Riding dirt bikes is a hobby, one that takes some money to do. Bikes, parts, fuel, tires, equipment all cost money and it's part of the cost of the fun. If you don't have 50 bones for a book that can easily save you hundreds then take up checkers.


Oct 11, 2008
All the manual i get are from the yamaha website. I dont know how this can be a copyright infrigment. I also can't spend cash on a manual, so instead to do without it...As the factory publicly link it(they property"manual") for free on they site, idont see why not.

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
My son's a musician who's worked hard to educate himself, he's spent countless hours in practice and some serious money on equipment. He and his band put out a cd that they only charged $3 for at their performances. Many people would buy one cd and burn copies for their friends, directly slapping my son and the other band members right in the face. At their $3 charge, their profit was $1 per cd.
Man-up and stop the selfishness.


Nov 4, 2005

Bro, you need to calm down. I never said to go rip off the manual nor did I make an excuse. The guy was just asking if a free manual existed. Obviously he doesn't have much experience with dirt bike repair/maintenance, and is trying to save pennies wherever he can. Honestly, I think service manuals are heavily over-priced. That being said, do I agree with stealing as you so elaborately described? No. But I also don't agree with verbally bashing a new member to our sport whose just trying to get out there and ride (and be able to keep the bike running). That's what makes our sport so great, the people and the support. But smart-ass remarks are what turn people away. To jump all over someone's ass about a simple question (I'll be it, maybe a dumb one) is out of line, and I'd expect a more mature approach from a moderator.

I don't see how this applies. We're talking about Suzuki. I don't think they're struggling to make a name for themselves. Not exactly the same analogy, but a valiant effort. I understand the similar principles, but in music distribution, that's the nature of the beast. Quit crying about it. I'd just be happy that my music was getting circulated.

It's pretty ridiculous that this thread has turned into this.

Mfillhart13: Go to www.thumpertalk.com You might get less hassle over there. This used to be a good forum. Must have new management or something. :think:



May 10, 2007
I was thinkin it's about time for one of these.......

2-Strokes 4-ever

Feb 9, 2005
railer said:
Quit crying about it.
We obviously see things differently.
It's my opinion that buying a bike and all that follows is the price we pay to enjoy this hobby. If someone is justifying and rationalizing their actions to relieve their guilt, that these things are actually the ultimate "feel sorry for me and I'll cry about it" actions.
Suzuki's factory manual is very thorough... it's worth the money.
Yup, this is all the moderators fault. :think: Shame on DRN.
Perhaps Thumpertalk will tickle your ears.


Nov 4, 2005

You're taking it all out of context to try and make a point. You obviously didn't fully read my response, because your argument has already been addressed. That's alright though. My original post in this thread was to try and help this guy out, which is why I checked back and saw y'alls 2 cents about all this copyright infringment garbage, which the mod manufactured to try and publicly smear somebody. So I will agree with you on that. It is the moderator's fault. He should be courteous and helpful, not an accusational prick. As for your sweeping statement about DRN, they should rethink their screening process for how they select moderators. There's no excuse for his first remarks.

mathd: I quit trying to decipher your writing after the first couple sentences. And there is no need for obscenities.

Brian, out.
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