
Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Ok, well as you know we had a not the best of time in OK. Friday afternoon I talked Lola into taking pictures as I jumped some of the (easier) jumps. Finish line jump and tabletop #1. The finish line jump felt like I was getting serious air as I was over jumping the landing a bit, but the pictures showed a different tale. We went over to the first tabletop and took some pics there as I was clearing all but the last 5 feet and the landing was still smooth. After a few pics Aryn wanted a try so off he went. On about the 5th attempt he endo'ed and I ran up on the track where he had come to rest (far side of a 60-65' table top) my mistake and I knew better, I should have flagged the face of the jump. Next thing I hear is a bike climbing the jump face and I see a big Honda launch with enough momentum to clear the entire jump, problem is Mary Ann was in his path. I tried to take her down but the bike's rear tire caught her right side and drug her half way down the landing. The next thing I remember is screaming for help and thinking how bad I had just screwed up. I have wished this whole thing could back up just a few frames, Stop Aryn, after the first jump, he doesn't need to be on the big track, he is not positioned on his landing correctly, send him to the trails, the kids track, anywhere but here. But he was there, and hurt, and he wanted his mom. Mom however, was lying on the down slope of the landing, making exhausting efforts to bring in air. I felt so much guilt, having asked Mary Ann months ago to come out to Oklahoma and meet my friends, these friends that I had never met in my life, but she came to be by my side and to take in the experience. I tried to be supportive as I went back and forth between the two of them and was at least grateful that everyone was such a help. Man how I wish it had been me instead of them, if I had a get off Aryn wouldn’t have gone on the track, if I could have taken the hit instead of Mary Ann...if, if, if.... but stuff happens. And here are the results: Aryn ended up with a radius buckle fracture on his left arm and a broken left femur. He had surgery last Saturday and has a cast on his arm and two rods in his leg, He started some therapy while in Stillwater and will get his stitches out on Monday and continue with therapy for a while. Mary Ann broke 5 ribs #4 to #8, 6&7 are in 3 pieces but had moved back into place by Wednesday morning. 4&5 had been overlapped at their fractures but (popped) into alignment about four hours ago (this has been one of her biggest recovery goals and had to be done by expanding the damaged lung to capacity) the ribs are now butting at the breaks and she can breath much easier. The tear in her lower portion of the lung sealed by Sundays x-rays and the pocket of bypass air was much smaller. The time until Wednesdays release were filled with pain management, reaction to (pain management) management, nausea, and a few other unpleasentries I'll let to your imagination (Zio, she could have used your help), but the hour finally came when both their Dr's said we could go home.

Many offers from friends and family came for help with transportation but Wednesday we left out the three of us and made Memphis for the night, the next morning we set out and hit the driveway a few minutes before 10pm. The sleeping bags and pillows kept everyone stable and Playstation kept Aryn's mind off the long ride.

I remind myself that things could have been much worse, we are going to take a break from the bikes for a while, and when Aryn asks to go riding, we'll load 'em up but not till then. I also remind myself that we were blessed to have friends there to help us as well as those here at home who have stepped in and given comfort. Neighbors have stopped by all evening to ask to help, bring dinner, or to let us know dinner is to be served for the next week. I have to pause, look at this picture and give thanks. It is kind of a time for me to heal as well, as I realize I don't give back as much as I have gotten. Thanks again to everyone, we appreciate your help and kindness more than words will express.


Can't Wait For Tuesdays
Mar 17, 2002
:( Big Guy Steve, I cannot even tell you how many times Aryn and Lola and you crossed my mind since Friday.  I hope Maryanne does not change her mind about riding in the future.   I just keep remembering Aryns sweet face, I hate to see unfortunate things happen to good people. 

Please tell them I'm thinking of them and I hope they heal up soon.




Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Whyzee, I literally felt ill when I learned the details of the accident. Don't beat yourself up on the "if's" you reacted instinctively to try to comfort a loved one in distress, hindsight is always so much clearer when not clouded with the adrenaline and emotion of the situation. I'm glad to hear that everyone sounds like they are on the road to recovery. Please give your family our best wishes for a speedy recovery.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Dave, it brought a sick feeling to me as I stood there knowing there was nothing I could do to help except block the sun. I hadn't even noticed your wife on the down side of the jump at 1st, all I saw was Aryn laying there. As I glanced over and saw your wife I remember thinking "what the heck is that person doing over there?" I ran over to offer help and heard her say "I can't breath and my back hurt" yet she maintained composure. I went back and forth a few times before I stayed with Aryn to try and keep him in good spirits. I gotta tell you that you have one tough kid there. For an 11 year old he is mature beyond his years. I remember when the emt's got there and they started asking him if he new where he was, the answers he gave were comical yet wise. He was calm and collective as they began work on him and the only time there was distress on his part was when he learned that Mom was hurt. He was truely concerened more with her well being than his own.

I sure hated for you guys to go through what you did but I'm thankful that it wasn't worse. Look forward to seeing you and your family there next year. Make sure you guys take care and keep up the good work raising a fine son.


2 wheeled idiot
Damn Yankees
Sep 9, 2000
Dave, I'm glad to hear everyone is home and on the mend. Please wish them my the best during their road to recovery. It wont be easy but they'll do fine considering what they already went thru so far. Being i went thru a similiar, but not as bad experience last year, i can attest to all the great people at DW. They are always there when you need a hand, hug, or just a good laugh. So hang in there and get rid of the all those "what if's" as they just dont do any good. Anyone in your situation would have done the same thing. An as usually, if there is anything you need please dont hesitate to ask!


Dave-glad to hear everyone is progressing well. I was walking back from a helmetcam debacle at the start of the individual harescramble over in the field and someone asked me if I was out on the track when the accident happened. I asked "What accident?" and then I got that sick feeling in my stomach when I heard about it. Sounds like everyone is in good spirits and that is great news. Here's to a speedy and complete recovery and we'll see you guys next year if not sooner.


Sponsoring Member
Jul 19, 2000
Glad everyone is doing as good as they can be.  That had to be a very difficult situation to be in.  I hate your vacation had to end up that way.  At least everyone is on the up-swing!  If you need anything, let us know!



Jun 2, 2002

Didn't get a chance to meet you at DW but I have thought of you guys often since I heard what happened. My thoughts and prayers are with Aryn and Lola of course...and you as well.

Don't beat yourself up over the "what if's". Its just one of those things that happened and you can't do anything about it. Just be a good father and husband and help them through this thing.

I know you will all be stronger in the end for your battle.




Sponsoring Member
Aug 30, 2002
Hey, glad you are all doing better. I know as a dad and a father, when we make descisions that hurt our family, the pain can be unbearable. But I was also impressed at how those 'bad' decisions also brought out the best in you and your family. I'm sure the road to recovery will still be tough, but you really seem to be the kind of family that has what it takes.

God bless.


Boss's Lil' Sis
Sep 12, 2001
Glad to hear things are getting better. I cant imagine how hard that was for you to see Lola and Aryn down at the same time, but amazingly you were solid as a rock (at least on the outside) Please give Lola and Aryn my best. And as to your comment about not giving back as much as you have gotten, thats not true... Aryn is a perfect example of all you haven given, he is one terrific kid! I only wish I could have found that out under better circumstances. Keep us informed of progress as you can!


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999
Since the end of DW03, I have not posted much.  I have waited to hear from you and your family.  The bikes will be there when ALL of you are ready.  I will continue to offer my good wishes to our creator so that your family can heal with great speed. 
I am very humbled by your honesty and respect you for it as well.  Please, do not hesitate to ask for help.  Not just from your family and local friends but from your GLOBAL friends here at DRN.  I understand your pain and the hardship that is in front of you, as do, most, if not all off DirtRider.Net.  There is help here if you need it or desire it.  I know because I have received some help the was so graciously given me.  What has come around will GO around.  Hug Aryn tightly and kiss Lola gently and let them know that we all care.

Brian :thumb:


Never enough time !
Dec 24, 2001
Dave, Brian, Natalie, Jeff, Christopher, Corey, everyone,.
Thank you all for the nice words, emails letters and phone calls. Being in your thoughts and prayers has helped the body and soul. Mary Ann & Aryn are getting better every day and today’s Dr visit for Mary Ann sounded very positive, lung is well and ribs are healing well. Pain is moderate but she is determined to stay off the meds. Aryn will get a half day of school tomorrow and will go back full time next Tuesday or Wed. I was able to hit my jobs yesterday and have my subcontractors back on schedule to finish the current project I'm on. I'm actually going to look at going back to work for a National builder again either full time or as a consultant. I have not had much of a chance to get on DRN except for a few moments here and there but I wanted to again thank everyone who was such a big help with the accident, those who gave encouragement in the trying time afterwards and to those I got to meet at DW, I'm really impressed with the comradery of our members. DRN rocks because of everyone here! Okie, Thump, and the guys who work the threads as well as Bob's family who behind the scene work their butts off, you guys really are the best, you've gone out of your way to make a home here.

Thanks to all! :thumb:
Dave, Mary Ann & Aryn

BTW, Weld it Pm'ed about Gary, he's going to get me his # so we can speak soon. Sounds like he's a bit shaken up over the whole thing, if anyone gets a chance to speak to him before I do, let him know we are thinking of him and he's golden in my book.
Last edited:


Too much of a good thing.
Nov 22, 2000
Dave, glad to hear you are all doing so well. I hate that I only spoke to you for a few minutes before the accident, but I did have a chance to chat with Aryn beforehand. He and I sat by the small track while the women's MX class was in progress and shot the breeze.

You have a really cool kid.

Jeff Gilbert

N. Texas SP
Oct 20, 2000
Good news my friend! Glad to hear all is on the up swing and I admire your possitive outlook. Looking forward to seeing you next year for an uneventfull week of just plain safe fun.


May 3, 2001
Dave, I'm the guy who was out there on the track helping keep people off the tables after this happened and who you asked to reassure the guy who came upon you guys it wasn't his fault. I responded accordingly on a separate thread and have been lurking on this thread, praying for ya'll as well, and so happy to hear the good progress of all.

In case you didn't see the other thread, per your request I spoke to Gary 2 different times after this happened at DW, letting him know you knew it wasn't his fault, felt bad about it, etc. He still felt terrible even with those assurances so I'm glad you'll be talking in person -- will probably be good for both of you.


Sponsoring Member
Jan 25, 2002
I have not been posting much since DW and I just read what had happened. I did hear about it a DW but, never heard how bad it was. It may sound funny but you are very luck cause it could have been worse. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. :thumb:


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000

I've been on the road almost non-stop since DW but you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers non-stop also. Glad to hear everyone is on the mend. Hopefully I'll get to spend a bit more time with you all next year if not before.



Jul 26, 1999
Originally posted by MrLuckey

I've been on the road almost non-stop since DW but you and your family have been in my thoughts and prayers non-stop also.

Me too.  I just got back from Chicago last night.

Dave, I'm glad to hear things are progressing smoothly.  I was out in the field taping the afternoon HS when I saw the ambulance on the track.  I hoped things weren't too bad, but knew it wasn't a good sign.

Please pass my best wishes for a speedy recovery on to your wife and child.  I'm sorry that we didn't get a chance to meet.  I look forward to meeting your entire family at next year's DW.

Best regards,



May 7, 1999
Galena, IL
Whyzee... did you get Gary's phone number?... we only have addresses, not phone numbers in the registration forms. Gary Martin lives in Muscatine, Iowa, if you call information.
Glad to hear that it's looking good for a full recovery; the Okie-Pokie clan have been thinking about your family; we wish you all the best.

BTW.. why does it say "Big Guy Steve" under your screen name? or did I miss your explanation in these threads?


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Originally posted by Pokie
BTW.. why does it say "Big Guy Steve" under your screen name? or did I miss your explanation in these threads?

I tried to find the thread but could not come across it but I would venture a guess it goes back to a thread where Dave called IrishEKU on a post that many felt was inappropriate and in his reply IrishEKU referred to Dave as "Steve" and "Big Guy" several times. If I'm way off base on that those really in the know will correct me soon enough I'm sure :thumb:


Nov 5, 2001
wow......i see the words whyzee and then road to recovery so i assumed IrishEku had actually come do DW to give dave a woopin:silly: and low and behold irish's name turns up here, talk about a floater that just wont flush.

joking aside, i am really sorry to hear about this accident and i hope all goes well with the recovery of your family. I wasnt at dirtweek, but i hope to see the whyzee family in good health when i make it to the next DW.


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