rookie, need info


Apr 27, 2003
Hi everyone here is some info on my situation. I have only ridden a dirtbike a few times. I rode a yamaha 100 and I had a lot of fun. I have a friend who had a broken down husqvarna 360, he didnt want it so he gave it to me. I am in the process of rebuilding the entire bike. The frame, suspension, wheels, generally the whole body was in mint condition, but the engine was a different story. I also need a gas tank and an exhaust pipe. I need to know a place I can order parts for this bike. I realize its a euro bike so that makes finding parts difficult. I have one 360 and two 250 engines so I am hoping I can get a working engine out of them. I live in Canada right in the middle of nowhere. There are miles and miles of open prairies and coulees that I can ride. I was also wondering what kind of equipment I should buy. I am not going to race or anything like that. Purely recreational riding. I was looking at boots and gloves and I was wondering how much I should spend on this kind of stuff or if I should get any of it at all. Thanks for the help and any added advice would be greatly appreciated.
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