RTL How about a report on those Gold Valves


Nov 13, 2001

Ironically enough, I am just now installing the gold valves for the forks. I have been extremely busy at work the past few months and have no time to work on the machine. I will post the stack configuration and how it works for me.

On the same front, my man Braahp, who was a big help with instructions for my rookie install, has had his loaded and rocking for a while now. How goes it Braahp?

I promise to post setups and results ASAP. Sorry for the delays... :ugg:


Jan 20, 2001
Going great! I'm still amazed at the difference the GV and springs have made. Hey..........you wanna do that enduro coming up at Coal Creek? Heck, I've never done one either but it would be fun. Lets at least ride up there sometime.


Jan 28, 2002
Gold Valves Q

BRAAHP -- Did you get the GVs from Fredette or Race Tech? Did you "get it right" the first time or were several revalves necessary? Care to share your shim configurations ?


Jan 20, 2001
Got the GV's from Fredette and it seems to be perfect. I've rode it a couple of months now and it works great in all conditions I encounter, so I haven't bothered to try different stacks. I'm more than pleased as it is. Her is my stack:
__Low Speed__
__High Speed__
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Nov 13, 2001

The Volunteer Riders, my riding club, is hosting the Coal Creek enduro. With that being said, I am not eligible to ride the event. Plus, I am out of town with work that weekend. Otherwise, we are going to be hosting other riding events at CC, I will give you guys a shout. I want to ride Meadow Creek with you guys also, seems like a great place to dial in some jetting.

Your stack looks way different than mine, we will have to swap rides for comparisons! More to come.....
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