
Mar 1, 2004
Perhaps this question has been answered before but...
Other than fouling plugs while a 2 smoke is running rich is there any power loss due to running rich? I do know that a two stroke will really run when super lean just before it's way way lean Death. Any thoughts? A riding buddy had that happen and said just before his bike croaked is really screamed.


Jan 19, 2004
I would have to say that when a bike is way rich it usually doesn't have good response and always feels like it needs to be "cleaned out".


Jan 10, 2004
This problem has given me nightmares in the past.
I always find that with two strokes, when your in the top end of the gear and your running rich, it's just one of those things that you can just kind of tell. it never feels quite right when you accelerate and you always know that there is lot more power in there waiting to come out but it just can't get it because it's so rich.
I find carb setting is more of an art than a science (sounds strange I know) but after riding a two stroke for a whilst you just get a feel for when the carb is set right.

I always say that it's better to be a little on the rich side than too lean. a bike running too rich can be sorted with little to no expense, if your too lean, get out the credit card cause something bad is gonna happen sooner or later.

do a search on jetting or running rich or something. it's gotta be one of the most common problems two strokers have to deal with.


Jun 7, 2003
Flyboy500 said:
Perhaps this question has been answered before but...
Other than fouling plugs while a 2 smoke is running rich is there any power loss due to running rich?

Absolutly! A 250 can easily lose 5hp with overly rich jetting. So its in your best interest to learn how to jet your bike.
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