Being an attorney myself, I can't advise you strongly enough to contact an attorney. Around here a consultation costs $75-$100 - unless the attorney will take the case on a contingent fee, in which case it will cost nothing up front.
Don't even begin to think that insurance companies are interested in "caring" for their insureds. It just doesn't work that way.
Allstate (otherwise known in the legal profession as "Allsnake") and Nationwide are generally the worst offenders.
In a recent case we had, the attorney for Allstate refused to use Allstate for his personal/family/car insurance.
In another case we have, a woman's house burned down 3 years ago and Nationwide has refused to allow or deny the claim to this date. They put her up in a rental property and quit making the rental payments, at which time she was evicted. Of course, in the long run, they will be paying a whole lot more than the claim was worth.
The insurance company will screw you over if they can (although, ironically, State Farm has treated me well on the 3 SMALL claims I've had).
My .02 worth. . .