Rusty 200 Cylinders


Jul 2, 2002
My 2003 200 crank went at the LL round of the GNCC's and it took the cylinder with it. Well i got a new cylinder from the local Kaw shop. and when i unpacked it the cylinder was rusty. So I took it back and Kaw aired me over a new one, it was also rusty. so the girls at the shop got on the phone and all of the KDX 200 cylinders in the CA and the Michigan warehouses are rusty.....Then Kaw got on the phone with the Kaw semi and with the Team green reps. I'll let you know if there is a none rusty cylinder at my house tomarrow. How can this be, not a 200 Cylinder in the USA that is not rusty.


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
How can it be rusty if it is aluminum and the bore plated??? I think that if you still have one, try cleaning it with mild soap and water. It may be a protective coating from the factory. If you can post a photo, please do so. I would be interested in seeing what this looks like.


May 7, 2002
I also just bought a new cylinder from Kawasaki and used a light hone job to remove the rust-like coating. It came off really easy. I assumed it was a factory protective coating. It didn't seem to hurt anything.


Jul 2, 2002
nope the ones we got were rusty, and pitted, i cleaned them out with the parts washer and soap and water.....they pulled one off the Kaw semi i guess (thats what the Kaw rep said) and sent it too me.....It still had a lil rust but we honned it, but the pits are still there......O well they didnt charge me for it...and the old one is getting sent to be rechromed and off to JF for some work. Id post some pics but my dad is out in the shop putting it together and going on the bike here in 10 min, i have a AWRCS race this weekend and a GNCC next..
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