
Oct 29, 2001
hi i am pretty new to the sport and i heard about something called sag. I was just wonderin what is was? and how do i measure sag if i already changed my preload?


May 21, 2001
Well sag basically is the square root of twice the distance from your waist to your pants (for example if your pants are 8 inches below your waist, your sag is 4 inches). Acceptable sag for a modern MX bike is about 2 inches. If you go over 3 though, you'll need to sell your bike and buy a piece of junk, cause your an idiot freestyle rider (and you'll forget to do top ends, filters, chain...), so you'll break it anyways.


Sponsoring Member
N. Texas SP
Nov 25, 1999

I'm not sure what prompted the first reply but I'll give you my take on Sag.
1. Static sag is the amount the suspension "sags" under the weight of the bike. Measure from the seat bolt to the axel with the bike on a stand with the rear wheel in the air. Then with the bike sitting upright on the tires, remeasure and take the difference. This is your free or static sag.
2. Race Sag is figured with you on the bike with full gear and fuel. With the help of a friend (or two), get on the bike and bounce up and down several times and then have your friend measure from the seat bolt to the axel. Subtract this value from the Free sag value and you will have your race sag.
For specific info, check the Suspension forum or contact a DRN sponsor, MXTech. you'll find the link on the left side of the page.
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