So, whats the correct way to wash an air filter after its got sand all over it? After a couple recent dune rides I cleaned my filter, but washing it seemed to drive the sand into the filter. I tried using compressed air to get it out, which helped some, but I can still see a few grains in the foam. So I said screw it and put in another filter I have that hasn't been used in the dunes.
I'm pretty sure that even after oiling it, the "sandy" fitler is no where near safe to use. Would it be better to use compressed air to blow the sand off before I clean the filter?
Any help is appreciated. :)
I'm pretty sure that even after oiling it, the "sandy" fitler is no where near safe to use. Would it be better to use compressed air to blow the sand off before I clean the filter?
Any help is appreciated. :)