Skid Jackson

Nov 1, 2000
Anyone got some good cleaning tips for these lenses?? The first time i tried i used ammonia and water like i normally do and it scratched the lens. evidently they use some kind of anti fog film. then i read the directions and used soapy water but made the mistake of rinsing them under the faucet. This of course got water in between the two lenses!! The next lense i used soapy water and carefully rinsed them and dried them w/ a soft towel and it still scratched the lenses. the directions say to remove the lens from the frame to clean. I did this once and by the time i got it back in it had finger prints all over it!! :| I can clean the outside w/out to much difficulty but the inside is a pain. anyone else find these a pain to clean??

Other than that they are great for keeping the fog at bay, just a pain to clean and not scratch the lense.


Sponsoring Member
Nov 19, 2001
yah, they scratch really easy. I never had a problem getting water between the two lenses, i just used some soapy water and rinsed them off. usually all the water ran off and didnt need to dry them.


Jul 21, 1999
I sprau window cleaner on an Oakley white sunglass bag (I picked up 40 of them for $0.25 each at Bob's a couple of years ago) and it works great. I think the trick is just finding a soft enough cloth. An old white tee-shirt would probably work just as well. The inside of the lens is super easy to scratch.

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