Second bike... need some reccomendations.


Feb 4, 2007
So I sold my YZ125, and I'm most likely going to be getting a 4 stroke now, possible a 250 2-stroke (doubtfully). Anyway, I'm 5'7" 155 pounds, ride mostly trails, never had problems with my YZ125 on trails. I like MX bikes so I preferrably would like to stick with them. I was looking at the YZF's and the height of the bikes compared to my YZ125, and they are tad bit shorter then the YZ125, is this true?... do you think the YZ450F is too big for me? I kinda feel like the YZ250F is too small, and the YZ450F may be a little too much bike. Thoughts? Thanks.

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May 10, 2007
You think the 250f is too short or underpowered?

I think 450s are way too much bike for most people. The 250f engines run very strong but aren't so powerful that the bike want's to pitch you every time you make a mistake. The down side of the 250f is maintenance and valvetrain. The yzfs seem to hold up very well with adequate maintenance, but there are alot more parts to wear out in a 4t. If you ride woods mostly, I would think a 250f would be a great choice.
Aug 25, 2008
a yz250f would be perfect they are good power and good for your size even though i got a rm250 and im 5'6'' and wiegh 115 lbs haha i fly in my 250 2stroker
May 10, 2007
anthony96rm250 said:
a yz250f would be perfect they are good power and good for your size even though i got a rm250 and im 5'6'' and wiegh 115 lbs haha i fly in my 250 2stroker

wow ur 5'6" and 115 LB and u ride a 250 2t WOW UR BADASS!

thats the response u have wanted whenever u post that right? :nener:

sorry about that back on topic

a 250F would be perfect and if u find out that it doesnt have enough power you can always mod it to give it a little more.

also the few times i have riden my friends 450 in the woods it just feels too heavy.


Aug 29, 2007
I have both a 250f and 125, and was on a yz144 the other day (EG top notch job!). It was amazing I thought, had that lovely extra bit of power, so I was never clutching at all, and it wheelied like crazy. It was just so much fun and abit scary even! I'm still faster on the 250F, and it is easier to ride quick with all the low end grunt of a 4T. But if you stick with the 2strokes then you should consider a 144, the 19cc does make a big difference.

I'll admit that 144 was tuned for top end, so it was almost scary to ride, and if that 144 was anything to go by then I will never ever get a 250 2t, it would be overkill for anyone bar a pro.

Slim 2.4

Aug 30, 2008
i'm new to the bike scene but i too am looking for a bike and was just reading over the specs of the yamahas. the YZ450F's seat heigth is 38.9" and the YZ250F's is 38.8", so not much of a difference. don't know if this answers any of yer questions but i thought i'd add that
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