Seized Top End


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
My sons riding buddy seized his top end today on his 94 RM80 and when his dad took it apart it looks like a classic skirt shatter. When he removed the piston some pieces fell into the bottom end :( he removed the engine and turned it over and got some pieces out but now he's unsure if he got them all and is concerned about throwing it back together with a new top end if there are still some pieces left in the bottom end. Is there a good plan of atack here besides splitting the cases? The boy is supposed to race this sunday and between our work schedules and limited wrenching skills it will be a real task to get the bike up and running with a new top end in time never mind ripping apart the bottom end. Any tips or advice would be appreciated.


Jun 28, 2002
agreed rockey....might be time consuming but you know you have a great resource for wrenching online here


Dec 3, 2001
That gives you four nights to take it apart and put it back together. Tomorrow: Pull off clutch, electronic wheel thingy, and some gears.
Thursday: Pull apart cases and take any debris out. Put cases together.
Friday: Put clutch, electronic wheel thingy, and gears back on. Mount bottom end on bike.
Saturday(morning/noon): Put back together topend and rest of bike. Start breakin process.
Sunday: RACE!

Durt Cycler

Trial Subscriber
Nov 13, 2001
if it is a collection of small peices of the piston you can get away with just removing the engine from the chassis and pouring some gas or kerosene into it and shake it around and dump the fluid out (into a bucket!). This will collect the very small peices. Do this a few times and there should be ZERO debris left (have done this method myself). It is also better to have a air compression withg a spray attachment so you can blow air into the bottomend to drie out excess gas/kerosene and remove any other peices.


Nov 8, 2001
you better split the cases. had the same thing happen on my kx250 and when i split the cases i found pieces of the piston wedged in the crank. shaking it out would not get those pieces out.


Lifetime Sponsor - Photog Moderator
Apr 9, 2002
Well he went with the consensus to split the cases but decided against doing it himself. More pieces of piston were found in the bottom end by the race mechanic today but other than that all looks well other than the cylinder being a little out of round. Should be all set to go for sunday! Thanks for the replies guys.


Jul 11, 2002
I had this happen to my yz 125 and instead of splitting the cases, I sprayed a bunch of WD-40 into the crankcase and picked out as many pieces that I could that stuck to the crankshaft.

I then proceeded to turn the whole bike upside down and blow it out with an air nozzle.

I did it over and over until i found no pieces came out and then rebuilt it. Everything is running fine now!!


Nov 18, 2001
My son was riding his YZ and just before the whoops he pulled over cause he heard something then killed the motor,He slowly tried to kick it over but the crank is stuck or piston or something. We'll I'm glad it didn't happen on a jump while he's doing a no hander lander. Hoping its not the whole crank assembly.I'm sending the whole thing to EG cause I have no clue. :|
I might as well get a port job and whatever it needs cause he wants to try and race this winter.
See Ya guys...
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