Shoppin for another bike...


Jul 15, 2004
All right heres the delio.......Ive been bustin my butt workin at our new house....Got about 2000 To me from my dad so far....And still gotta paint and lay tile and do finish work so...I got some more money coming....I was at first thinkin ok ill buy a car seing how i get my licenes in november (my parents will match me in money for a car...So techinally i ahve 4000 for a car right now)....Well...Our friend bought a 96 1500 4x4 for $600 (it was drivin in a ditch and tipped over...So the roof is ALITTLE dinged up and he had to install a new windsheild).....Were going to make and offer to buy it so...the S15 would be going for a full sized truck which would be mine....So i would have close to 3000 laying around just lookin for a home... :p you know what is next....NEW BIKE. Well we would be keeping our klx300 (if i ever get it running right again...) for my dad (average middle age man...i think he LIKES to ride...though hell never admit it...He just isnt a get out and go full gotta love 'em :) ) and our xr100 (moms&lil bros) and i would be able to get a new bike all of my own. Our friend drove trough here (iowa) with his truck and all his bikes when he was moving (lol greatest thing youve ever seen...F250 with a ducati monster, old xr250, xr100 (sittin in there sideways) a yz400f, and about 5 tool boxes sitting in the back end...AND pulling a boat.)....Well we took his bikes out for a fide and i fell in love with his yz......I loved just crankin the throttle and holding on for dear life and hoping my breaks would stop me in time......So heres what all my meanless ramble is about...What bike reccomendations do you think?? My friend just bought a 97 RM250 for $1000 (nother long story) and he is lookin to sell it in september due to just having a baby....will be askin 2000 for it...(i think for the bike its a fair price). I am a 4 stroke guy...but am willing to look at 2 smokes.....But...Yz400f?? Or how about a 426?....The crf's are alittle bit higher than im willing to spend.....And i really dont want to buy a new thanks for listening to my meaninless ramble....If you have anything to say about any of those bikes let me know....Thanks!


Jul 15, 2004
Forgot to add...I ride mostly trails....(Never have been on a track...If i got a MX bike i might be tempted to take it out once or twice...)
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