shopping , uncommon valor style

sfc crash

Human Blowtorch
Jun 26, 2001
we are combat advisors and as such we don't realy fall under a US command. Obviously we are US soldiers and have a command that has us on paper; but because it's just one of us and an Afghan unit we don't get much support visa vise equipment. We do have one up armored humvee though. i like this but as we change our tactics so does the enemy. No instead of wirring a couple arty shells together for an IED they have been stacking 12 lb soviet anti tank mines together as IED's. This will di-sect an up armor. Anyway, we don't get much in the way of eqiupment or aditional arms. We have a fix for this, it is the weapons cache. These weapons caches are the equivelent of a brigade depot, a fully stocked brigade depot. We have a cache at ####### that we like to use. The first time we went there and starting pulling weapons parts out, a fellow US SSG made mention that this reminded him of the scene from uncommon valor where they got taken to the back room and shown what weapons the group could afford. We'll be heading back to #### here shortly to negotiate, with the local ANA unit, for a soviet .51 cal Dishka and about 2,000 rounds. Things have heated up a bit here and we just got retasked as to our Area of Operations. We are in the field now conducting operations but as of yet combined joint task force 76 has not issued us some mission essintial gear. We improvise. I wrote to Sen Dick Durbin( bet the program ### on his first name, but he is a Richard) and the Sen said " cjtf 76 says you will be issued this gear when so and so division takes over command in 2 months. We have already conducted ops where we needed the gear. One of my fellow advisors of officer field grade rank called his group of friends and had them pool some money to buy some gear for my recon. He has wealthy friends. just a lil sitrep for the curious on how we are operating now. BTW this is not a plead for funds, say again NOT. I know some of you have more than a passing interest on how the troops are equiped in the field. Our US units, working with US personell under US command are equiped very nicely. It's about time for that. The Army is issuing all sorts of high tech gear to it's troops and for a change we are better outfitted than the other armies we are deployed with. Alrighty then, time to go put on the individual balistic armor system (bullet proof vest) and go make the donuts. :cool:
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