I have a HJC "Effect" helmet that I bought new last year. The helmet got knocked off of its shelf and fell about seven feet down to a concrete floor, and it fell on the main part of its shell (not on the chin protector or sun visor).
The helmet appears fine with no visible cracks, but I've read that this type of accident can ruin a helmet without any visible damage.
Maybe that is just what the helmet companies want you to think so you buy another one...I don't want to get another helmet unnecessarily, but I would also hate to have the helmet fall apart when I really need it...
Any ideas on what I should do?
The helmet appears fine with no visible cracks, but I've read that this type of accident can ruin a helmet without any visible damage.
Maybe that is just what the helmet companies want you to think so you buy another one...I don't want to get another helmet unnecessarily, but I would also hate to have the helmet fall apart when I really need it...
Any ideas on what I should do?