Shroud bolt won't come out of gastank!!


Dec 8, 2004
Ok I know someone has had this problem before, The upper shroud bolt won't come out of my gas tank on my KX. Do you think if I cut it off I could get it out somehow by holding the insert some way? Or can I cut it off and then pull the insert out and put one of those things that you rivet in with new threads? If the thing will even come out. Thank you

VB Racing

Jan 26, 2004
If the insert is spinning in the tank, just pull out the insert with a tug. Then go to the hardware store and get a metric nut that fits the shroud bolts. Get some 2 part epoxy. Clean the tank VERY well, then epoxy the nut into the hole that the insert was in. Let dry for 24 hours. If the tank was good and clean, that nut will stay there forever. Take a look at the bikes I own, I have had those problems too. Make sure not to overtighten the bolts and DONT crossthread them, or you will have those problems.



Dec 8, 2004
Well I got it out. The bolt was really rusty. I think I will just get some of that epoxy and put the insert back in after I clean it up. Thanks
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