I bought my bike used and have riddin it a few times so its time to change the oil. Now im told that i HAVE to use honda oil only!(somthing about one botle with a red lable and one with gold). But others have told me just use castrol gtx 10-40 in both sides and call it a day. :bang: any help or anything i should know?
well 9 times outa 10 honda is gonna want you to use their oil
but you can use any oil that fits the proper description they give in the manuel (if you got it)
Ok thanks. And no i dont have the manual. So i went ahead an got some oil for it today and the dude at the honda dealer said to run the same 10-40 in both sides. Is that normal? I freind of mine that also rides a 450 says that the motor side needs a oil with moly and the trany side needs oil without moly. :bang:
Consider that bookmarked! THanks! So i picked up two quarts of the gn4 so i'll run that this time but from now on i'll problly just run castrol gtx10-40 in both sides. :cool: