This is for anyone with any interest in riding in the Nort Port area ever again. On June 19th at 6pm at City Hall on Sumter blvd there will be a meeting for the 1st reading of a new ordinance. If passed this will prevent all ATV/ dirt bike riding and camping in the 104 square miles of North Port. It will even make it hard to ride on your friends property. I am told this is the only item on the adgenda on June 19th.
Included in this ordinance is a pretty expensive fee schedule and even 90 days in jail for the 5th offense.
If you live in North Port ( i.e. a voter) please try to attend! Everyone else please try to make it so we can atleast show our numbers. There is a group working to get a legal area to ride in the North Port area and we really do not want this ordinance to pass.
ty sparky