this is getting seriously annoying :yell:
Maybe I get more than most with a car sales e-mail address, but it seems that every day I'm getting about 25+ SPAM mails each and every day....they are getting clever too and my spam blocker can't sort. I get computor derived names that should be a name for a popstar or porn stud.....Gonzales Fukimura, Clay Rockwell!I don't need anymore 'get rich quick' scams, ' you have been chosen' 'you have won' and/or cheap Rolex watches and 'because I bought one bolt for my bike' from you every possible offer going' mails :bang: would need ask my girlfriend if I need any Viagra :nener:
Maybe I get more than most with a car sales e-mail address, but it seems that every day I'm getting about 25+ SPAM mails each and every day....they are getting clever too and my spam blocker can't sort. I get computor derived names that should be a name for a popstar or porn stud.....Gonzales Fukimura, Clay Rockwell!I don't need anymore 'get rich quick' scams, ' you have been chosen' 'you have won' and/or cheap Rolex watches and 'because I bought one bolt for my bike' from you every possible offer going' mails :bang: would need ask my girlfriend if I need any Viagra :nener: