Spam mail...........


Nov 7, 1999
this is getting seriously annoying :yell:

Maybe I get more than most with a car sales e-mail address, but it seems that every day I'm getting about 25+ SPAM mails each and every day....they are getting clever too and my spam blocker can't sort. I get computor derived names that should be a name for a popstar or porn stud.....Gonzales Fukimura, Clay Rockwell!I don't need anymore 'get rich quick' scams, ' you have been chosen' 'you have won' and/or cheap Rolex watches and 'because I bought one bolt for my bike' from you every possible offer going' mails :bang: would need ask my girlfriend if I need any Viagra :nener:


Aug 21, 2005
Be carefully any time you fill out any kind of online form (purchases, or sign-ups), they frequently have checkboxes that you have to check if you don't wan't them to send solicitation emails from themselves or others. Often there are 2 or 3, and sometime they even throw in the double negative to throw you off. Even then you will get some, but the number will gradually reduce.

And I don't care if you need Viagra :yikes: , go take your levitra now :nener: :nener: :nener: .


Wise master of the mistic
Jun 28, 2001
It's pretty sad! I have 2 layers of filters and with that I get about 3-4 a day through both. 3-4 get sent to local the spam folder. However our main filter, capture over 25 a day. At the end of each week I'm sent a report saying you had over 100 suspected spams, please click this link to view.

My Direcway account was the worse. I checked it maybe monthy and each month the inbox was full. I stopped using it because their wasn't a delete all feature and would take me an hour to clear the inbox and delete folders. Wouldn't be to much of a problem now that I'm on DSl.

Did I mention since last December not one spam with my .Mac email address :nener: (besides the internal non computer savy reply all, forward all everytime family members who thinks Bill Gates will give them money if they forward this email types :laugh: )


Fire Marshall Ed
Feb 9, 2000
bsmith said:
Did I mention since last December not one spam with my .Mac email address :nener::laugh: )

Proven fact that new e-mail addresses almost always get less spam than e-mail addys that have been in use for years, nature of the beast. If you have a primary e-mail you don't want to receive spam then never using it for online registration for ANYTHING is a good idea.

Some providers let everything through, take my yahoo account for example, I hadn't checked it for 6 months or so and found around 5,800 spam e-mails. No way to delete all as near as I can tell so they are just going to sit there lol.


Moderator / SuperPowers
Jun 9, 1999
Spam male is like when wimmin get hit on at the bar by Rico Swauvay


Nov 7, 1999
every cloud has a silver lining!

Oldman125 said:
Spam in the mail?

Spam's meat that comes in a can. It's got pork, pork by-prodoucts and ham.

Ya right, I shouldn't be whingin' :whoa: I like Spam fritters and it's the best bait for carp fishing, and all this Spam didn't cost a penny......mmmmmmmm!

Question (s):- Do I use a USB port to get all this free Spam out of the PC and how long will it keep?
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