Here is my .02.....
I use the ole, LOOK, SCAN & PREDICT method in the woods. I try to look as far as I can down the trail. Then I scan the trail for anything that might throw me for a loop. Then I predict as to what I need to do, go over , around the object, ect,ect. I use this method all day long. I will scan a trail umteenmillion times as I am riding. I never try to look at an object for too long.... LOOK DOWN.....GO DOWN
When I think of brake control, I apply it more so to making turns than anything else. Of course it is very important while decending steep hills, in terms of not locking the rear wheel and sliding.
Having your front brake lever adjusted so that you can reach it with a finger or two, but not too close to where you don't have any modulation, and the same applys to having it too far away. Same with the rear brake pedal. I like my pedal adjusted so that my inside part of my boot is able to apply the brake with enough force to feel the modulation and lock it up when needed.
Having you brake controls adjusted properly will boost your confidence and greatly enhance your braking control...
As for brake control, I like to run as hard and deep as I can into a turn. I use several different types of braking methods. I will drag the rear brake while on the gas as I enter a turn (to keep from stalling the motor), then as I apex the turn, off the rear brake and get back on the gas. If I run too much brake, then I might have to drop a gear or feather the clutch to gain some RPM's and then exit the turn.
If I can "square off" a turn I will drop a gear upon entering a turn, slide the rear end around and get back on the gas very quickly. I will use this method either standing or sitting.
I will also drag my front brake to compress the suspenssion (plant the front tire) while entering a turn. I ride with a finger on the front brake at all times.
Approaching a turn with no berm, I like to use plenty of body english, weight the outside peg, down shift if needed, then apply enough brake to slow me down so that I don't over shoot the turn, get back on the gas without trying to bust the rear end loose so that the rear does not come back around on me...
We all devlope our own riding styles, what works for me, might not for the next guy or gal. You have to go out and perfect your own method. Make adjustment to your controls and see what works best for you to ride with the most confidence.
That is my .02