Spluttering kdx 220


Sep 12, 2004
Hi guys
picked up a kdx 220 about 3 weeks ago its year is 1991 and its stock looks quite good condition considering age since then i replaced the bottom endine bearings and seals and top end gaskets
I have a few question regarding a spluttering engine whilst in high revs not allways but some times (well most) in 3rd gear or 4th
Anyway the bike is stock
and i dont have a filter just a pipe leading to the carb
the air filter has about an inch hole through it with the airbox lid off, the bike has a fair bit of white smoke when it revs high
also the when the bike is in neautral and i give some revs it takes a while to come back to ideal revs :blah:
any ideas plz
thank you

John Harris

Apr 15, 2002
If my memory serves me correctly, a KDX220 was not made until the late '90s. Do you have a hybrid? If you have a hybrid what kind of carb does it have and how is the carb jetted? How did you set the timing after the rebuild? Guys on this site are great to help, but they have to know excatly what they are working with. Carefully review where you are and what you have and listen. In the meantime if you care to have a bike get and air filter operational. Cheers John


Oct 14, 1999
BuyKawi lists no 220R for '91. '97 is the first listing they have for the 220R.

Just rebuilt and running it with no air filter. Hhhmmm.... Makes wondering about its performance rather a waste of time.

re: Takes awhile

That's common....depending on what 'awhile' means. If more than....say five seconds..then you are either running lean to the point of self-ignition (can you say 'no air filter'), or you have a leak someplace.

A hint for you: You will have better responses if you use some grammar..write in English. I understand you're only about 18...and a Brit to boot, so there is bound to be something lost in translation from time to time. Still, understanding the problem is a huge part of the solution.


Sep 12, 2004
sorry lads for spelling i was told it was 1991-1992 so must be newer then :nod:
Anyway solved the problem it was a bloody spark plug hey allways try the simple things first :bang:

cheers anyway :cool:


Feb 17, 2005
Maybe I don't understand English, but I thought he meant that he didn't have a FUEL filter in the pipe leading to the carb, and his air filter has a 1" hole in it. I know the brits sometimes use words that we have a different meaning for. Example: Pipe = Tube, Fag = Cigarette, Pissed = Drunk, etc. I could be wrong though, and he should definitely put a filter on his pipe.


Mar 22, 2003

Now that's funny!
Seriously, a fuel filter is an option, not everyone runs them. But a new air filter would be a must purchase!


Sep 12, 2004
Ok to clear things up a bit
I' ve got a air filter but its got about an inch diameter whole through it i did'nt think its that much of a problem because im only riding on road most of the time

And i havent got a fuel filter from the petrol tube :cool:
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