Spring length difference


Oct 14, 1999
New springs. First service. Length difference of 4mm. Isn't this a problem? Why the change?

I cut spacers to get a proper preload on both (length of spacers 4mm diff). Wouldn't same length springs be the CORRECT way to do it?

  • OLD member
    'oh-oh' KDX 200
    '86 Nighthawk 700 SC
    (a motorcyle even if it doesn't have a chain!)


Jan 9, 2000
Its ok to have different length springs but not to have each spring with a different preload.KTMs have many little washers so you can preload each spring by the right amount.ie 5mm of preload on each spring regardless of there length.



Nov 13, 1999
If canyncarvr is saying that the OAL changed 4mm between installation and first service, I'd wonder about the design or metalurgy of the springs. canyncarvr, tell us who made 'em so we can talk trash.

Do you more experienced guys think this is unacceptable? I would be inclined to ask for replacement or refund.


Oct 14, 1999
I'm saying the springs were the same length when I put them in. After a few months use I took them out during an oil change process. That's when I noticed the difference in the length.

Yes, each preload is set to 5mm (now)..but that means one spacer is 4mm longer than the other.

I DO wonder about metalurgy and such..that's my whole concern.

After a year and 1/2 on the stock springs, both springs were exactly the same length. My new springs were exactly the same length when I put them in.

BTW..using the stock spacers, the preload was closer to 30mm. Don't get that part either, but then...I'm not a suspension wizard.

Whodunit? I'll keep that to myself for a bit. I've asked him about it (email) a couple weeks back..haven't heard from him yet. I was looking for a point of view as to: 1. Normal..don't worry about it, 2. FUBAR..get a new set NOW. 3. Picky, picky, picky....

Oh...I choose #2.

I want a set of newer XR400 springs anyway (I ride a KDX200). They are the right load (.40) and they are about 60mm longer..and there's plenty of room for 'em in the tube.

  • OLD member
    'oh-oh' KDX 200
    '86 Nighthawk 700 SC
    (a motorcyle even if it doesn't have a chain!)

Jeremy Wilkey

Owner, MX-Tech
Jan 28, 2000
It was me! Hey I did not get your first e-mail on 4-2 (Really!!!) I don't slack on customer issues!

Anyway springs slaking is a potential problem.. I have a huge Article comming about this. As an indusrty we used cold wound spring so we have very poor control over metalurgy...

I meet an Engineer for Meritor Corporation when I was up a Cycle improvements.. We went to a real spring plant and GOD did I learn alot.. I have lots of info to share and I will soon..

As for the springs well you'll see I sent you an e-mail before I saw this so... I'll have a new set comming on Monday and again sorry.. Until we get the ablity to hot wind spring about 2-5 % fail... That is just the sad relaity.. (And we do good compared to say many others..) We make good on it so am I really bad Guy?


"Danger is one thing but danger combined with long periods of suffering is quite another." Sir E. Hilary


Jan 9, 2000
Hmm thats bad, a spring should not sack out that much so quickly-i would replaced them.

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