Star Wars - 2, attack of the clones


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Yeah, Ep 1 and 2 have a difficult task in laying all the ground work to make ep 3 work and flow into the 4th episode. I heard in the past that 2 would be the flatter movie with more of romance involved, but 3 being the movie with lots of action and the final pieces put into place.
I liked ep 1, maybe because it was new, I like Darth Maul. I dont know why they have to keep offing the bad guys, like Jango Fett in this movie.
I havent seen it yet, but I will keep a clear head going into it. I think we all were pretty impressed with Episode 4 and 5,and to top those movies will be impossible no matter what. Harrison Ford is irreplaceable and there has been no talent greater than his in the movies since.
I do agree that Natalie Portman cant act at all like Carrie Fischer. she seems so dry and monotone.
Yeah what is that about Yoda, I saw him flying or something, what is with the cane?

CPT Jack

Jun 27, 2000
my review: "Episode II: Attack of the clones is yet another steaming turd from the folks at GalacticLucasWorld who continue to do basically everything wrong. IMO it's no better than the last one - It's been a straight decline since the epic Star Wars. At least Episode I had two competent actors. And the Yoda fight scene is laughable. Someone please call John Woo. Hopefully The Matrix: Reload doesn't let us down. Disgruntled Star Wars fan out!" :|


Seven OUT!
Dec 21, 2000
Hey CPTJACK, "A steaming Turd" ROFLMAO!!!!
I guess that means it is at least fresh and not stale? :uh:


Tony 'da Rat
Oct 16, 2000
I saw it yesterday and hated it. It's a damn love story in space. The only thing that kept me from leaving was the special effects. I would rank it next to Tron & Lord of The Rings.


Sponsoring Member
Mar 7, 2000
I liked Lord of the Rings. Can't wait until the next feature.


Sep 27, 2001
I liked Lord of the Rings. Can't wait until the next feature.

I am with you on that one, I thought it was a very good movie on all accounts. Story, visuals, character development etc. I too will be waiting in line when it hits the big screen.
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