Started out doing a piston swap, now I'm looking at a replating job.


Sep 22, 2003
I started out having a great afternoon trial fitting my new FMF torque pipe. One small tweak and it fits perfectly. I hate it when things go to smooth as it only means something else will bite me in the a$$. :|
Next Chapter
After test fitting the pipe and marking it for the guard I plan to make, I moved on to pulling the top end. I planned to put in a new wiseco and send the carb and head down to RB for the mods. Now because of some scores on the exhaust side I'm looking at a replating job. After searching a few threads I came across Langcourt and its affiliate Mongoose Machine in B.C. I'm hoping they will get back to me tomorrow. If I'm lucky I'll be back on the trail by the long weekend. :bang:


Mod Ban
Dec 14, 2002
Are you sure you need a replating job? Depending on the size and placement of the scoring, it may be nothing. I've got a couple of scores in my barrel but since they are not on the compression side of the piston rings / cylinder, they don't affect anything. Mine were probably caused by sharp edges off the ports from the plating process that broke or flaked off. My engine compression was unaffected and I've ridden several hundred miles this way without problems. If you aren't sure, have your local shop look at the barrel and advise you on the seriousness of the scoring.
Also, you are going to love the RB mods. They kick!

Canadian Dave

Super Power AssClown
Apr 28, 1999
You might also what to consider giving Eric Gorr at Forward Motion Racing a call and talk to him about a 225 big bore. If you have to redo the cylinder anyway you may as well make improvements to it. He might even have a cylinder ready to go that he can sell outright swap for yours to reduce down time.

Search '225' and you'll see many great reviews on them. I've ridden one and loved it.



Sep 22, 2003
I spent a few minutes with a burgandy scotch brite pad and the scores aren't as bad as they looked last night. Unfortunately I still have two scores on the compression area of the cylinder. By my reasoning these were indeed caused by plating flakes off the edges of the exhaust port. Given the fact that a replate will cost $275+cdn and the turnaround time is at least a week, I'm going to slap in the new wiseco and see what happens for the rest of the season. The bike still started and ran great but knowing that cyl. is marked will still be in the back of my mind. Hopefully I can get it back together for the Canada Day long weekend. :|


Jul 3, 2001
I've sent 2 cylinders to Mongoose. Both came back very fast and they do an excellent job. I only ended up paying about $180 each, because I went through a dealer which gave me a great deal. Mongoose is a registered Yamaha machine shop, try taking your cylinder to your local yammi shop and seeing what they can do for you. Their price for replating is much cheaper than if you were to do it privatly.


Oct 14, 1999
You might find some of those 'scratches' to be aluminum stuck to the cylinder? An acid (like muriatic) to remove the metal will help in that situation.

Reed and heed the warnings on any acid container label. After's ACID!!

Be sure to neutralize the cylinder after acid use!! And oil it!!

If you do get a Langcourt replate would you please post a pic of the result? I'd like to compare it to my replate (which looked kind of like swiss cheese).



Jan 15, 2003
I heard the Harley shop by the airport in calgary does a good job on plating. might be a option for you. I know my cylinder has lots of scratches, but i just give it a slight hone and throw another piston in it and i don't have any problems. maybe I will see you out on the trails on the long weekend. :ride:


Sep 22, 2003
South Alta Harley gouged a polaris 400 cylinder on a customer job of mine a couple of years ago. The situation turned into a PITA before they finally made good on it. I found out later that the good machinest had been replaced. We still haven't found a local machine shop with lots of experience and a good track record. A great machinest is hard to find.
After cleaning up the bore with scotch brite I'm still left with two marks above the exhaust port. Needless to say I'm less than impressed by the CRAPASAKI plating process. My assumption is that the scores were caused plating flakes pulled of the port when this thing was new. In the three seasons I've had it it has always been a 1 or 2 kick starter hot or cold. The only time she has left me wanting for power is on long loose wide open power hills.(hence my other post on the RB mods)
I'm going to throw in the new piston, rejet for the new pipe and see what happens .

Outrgus are you camping or making a day trip? If your camping where at?
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