Starting a new parts retail business in the Recession


Feb 22, 2009
Hey guys I'm new to the forums but im not... haha. I used to be a member here about 6 years ago but have since been doing everything but riding :bang: unfortunately. I'm currently looking into starting a retail parts business starting with parts unlimited and basically starting from scratch it is in a town which has 3 tracks within 25 miles either direction and it has no parts unlimited dealer remotely close. I currently operate a tree service about 30 min from this city which i would continue to do so I'll have steady income there. But I guess my question to you guys is this, how rough would it be starting up this store in todays economy....hopefully theres a couple dealers here who could help me from personal experience. If so what was it like when you first opened and advertised with parts unlimited did you have a steady flow of customers at first or how long did it take? :ride:


Oct 3, 2002
I'm thinking that in tough economic times, as more folks are pinching pennies, it would be very difficult to open a retail store. Mail order is very hard to beat, price-wise.

If you make yourself a regular fixture at all the local tracks handing out business cards, 10% off coupons, or some other idea to get people in your door. Maybe have a radio station remote and free hot dogs.... or free t-shirts. Gotta get your name out and people in the door.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
Just being a parts unlimited dealer wouldn't cut it for me. as much as I try to buy at a local shop if I have to wait for it to get delivered to him (a couple days) then drive back to pick it up I will more then likely order on line and have it quicker and with out all the driving.
That said if you can afford to have a store that is well stocked with 8 out of 10 things I wanted then you would probably get the last 2 items as well.
As gwcrim said you need to do a lot of legwork and meet as many riders as you can. Possibly work out a deal that whatever they need if ordered x days in advance (figure the lead time you need for PU to deliver) and you will deliver to the track may help get guys into your shop


Feb 22, 2009
Heck yes i could do that for sure ... if i see a racer who looks like they could use some help i could definately deliver parts to them in person. Im trying to do this without getting any initial loans so i think i have the big chunk up front pretty much taken care of..i can front the 5k and i have a list of friends family whom i can solicit to get most of that initial 5 back with hopefully a small profit with which i can order typical maintenance stuff to keep on stock. Im in pretty good with a t shirt art guy as well as a very good vinyl artist so that will be the start of my advertising ...billboards typically like 500 a mo and radio commercials vary but i realize i will have to do alot of advertising to even get this moving...I just feel like this is something ive always wanted to do and as long as it supports itself for the first year or so thats all im worried about then i can expand from there. Thanks for your input guys anybody else who wants to share....pleeeasse feel free!


Feb 22, 2009
So im getting closer to doing trak control suspension still around? If not who do you guys recommend for me to outsource the suspension mods to?


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
HmStang217 said:
So im getting closer to doing trak control suspension still around? If not who do you guys recommend for me to outsource the suspension mods to?
Where are you located? If in the central or west part of the country MX TECH is a great place to work with. Contact Jeremy Wilke.


Always Broken
Dec 26, 1999
As far as advertising find out what the local district has for a magazine. Here in Wis, Mich, Ind, Minn, Iowa, and Ill we have CycleUSA. Advertise there and most tracks sell spots for signage (helps defray their costs and the people you need see your sign) at the track. I run our tracks sponsors and I work with anyone that pays for a sign to see they get any additional exposure we can find.

dirt bike dave

Sponsoring Member
May 3, 2000
I doubt if motorcycle parts are immune from the horrible economic conditions that are plaguing retailers throughout the nation.

Basically, many people are cutting way back on their expenditures on luxury items. Racing motorcyles for fun is a luxury.

You've got 3 tracks nearby now. What happens if 1 or 2 close down?

Be careful - your good idea might be better implemented in the future, when the economy improves.


Feb 22, 2009
See the only thing is... i have the first 5000 basically already sold to friends of mine in the area....soo really all i have to cover is the lease for one year and the liability my fiance will be running a notary out of the same building which will be more neccessity than luxury
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