Stoddard Valley, El Mirage, Johnson Valley...


Dec 13, 2001
I need some information on driving to these riding areas: Stoddard Valley, El Mirage, Johnson Valley, and Jawbone Cyn / Dove Springs. We're pulling a small two-bike trailer with a small car (Honda Civic) -- okay, stop laughing. We've been to Rowher Flats and discovered that we don't dare try it after any rain -- The 2-1/2 mile dirt road will be impassable with the Civic. I've been to the entrance of El Mirage on my street bike and I have doubts that the Civic will be able to handle that entrance road in any weather.

We want to go somewhere next weekend, and Stoddard Valley, El Mirage, Johnson Valley, or Jawbone Cyn / Dove Springs might be the best choices for weather conditions and driving distance from Reseda. I've checked all the web sites I know for info on these spots, but none discuss the entrance road conditions.


EM rider

Apr 27, 2001
Whatever brings you and your bikes to the riding area is just fine.

The entrance rode to Dove Springs should be passable in the Civic. Exit off of Hwy 14 North of Mojave (about 20-25mi). You should be able to see a staging area with RVs parked a short distance off the highway. Another option for Rowher is to park on the side of Boquet Canyon about 50yds South of the drinkwater flat sign. This avoids taking the lousy road into the staging areas. You can access either Rowher or Drinkwater flat from Boquet Cny. Another option is Gorman, although it may be a bit crowded. I usually exit the 5 at Smokey Bear Rd and the road into the park is in decent shape, no problem with a Civic.


Jan 27, 2000

There is an area a few miles past Stoddard valley at the Outlet stores exit on the 15 freeway. If you get off the freeway at the Outlet store exit and go right for a little ways, you will see the entrance to a green sticker area.

Very easy access, you can pull in and park just past the entrance. Hills, sandwashes and a couple of offroad race courses. They run offroad car races on the 'A' course. Trails are well marked. Fun area.



Dec 25, 2000
The advice from EM Rider on Bouquet parking is right on and I highly recogmend it. If you want second-to-none riding there is a place in Johnson Valley you can access.(or we can go together, I have an SUV with a two bike trailer) Enter via Bessimer Mine road. It is always 2WD. At the big dry lake, Soggy Dry Lake, park and camp. As you look at the road as it crosses the lake, note the big, shallow hill on the right. On your bikes explore that area. As you approach the far side of it you will find the Rockpile. The Rockpile is an incredible maze that it a real blast! Also, that whole area(many squrare miles) is open. No rule to stay on trails! Just take off accross the desert. Please note that it is much, much easier to get lost than it seems. BRING A GPS! Hint: I ride with one. Rogue 818-951-8178
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