Jun 14, 2005
hey my name is jen and 12:30 - 1:45 on JUNE 8TH ...some one stole my 2005 YAMAHA yz85 dirt bike which is blue and real loud, all stock... right outta my back yard .. .. plz look for in the Long island Ny area ... it has bent Renthal stock handlebars and it has diggin racing decals and scott grippz the left grip is screwed up and both gripz had wire around them to hold them on... there is tippickle wear on the pipe wear my boots lay and on the frame from my boots the shifter is kinda bent foward, the brake line for the front brakes have a lil slice in them so they go out here and there, and the wire for the gas cap it broken it is tapped with electircal tape.... and they might of tried spray painting it so look for the damage stuff.. it is a new bike and i only have had it for a month and then got stolen ... plz let me know that bike was my pride and joy and i would love to know who did it .. jen :|

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Pantless Wonder
Dec 26, 1999
A blue Yamaha? I bet it will stick out in a crowd. Sure hope you are either REALLY big for a YZ85 or the thief is small. I know you are upset but you'll get better responses and help if you can give more useful information and less gangsta' crap.

What's the S/N for the bike? Did you file with the local police? Have you contacted local shops?
Jun 14, 2005
i am real lil i am only 5'1 i did file a report and my mom put it threw homeowners insurance and i did contact local shops and tracks and i contacted oall my friend to keep anbn eye out for it where everyone rides eligaly.. my s/n is nymotoxhotti351 if you would liek to see a picture of it .. thankyou jen

<a href="http://img118.echo.cx/my.php?image=0505291237309fu.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://img118.echo.cx/img118/2610/0505291237309fu.th.jpg" border="0" alt="Free Image Hosting at www.ImageShack.us" /></a>

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Joe Diver

N. Texas SP
Mar 21, 2005
biglou said:
He meant the bike's serial number...

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:


Apr 9, 2003
Go to www.wantaddigest.com. Look under the motorcycles:dirtbikes category. There is a Yamaha 85cc 2005 bike listed. It is in Johnstown, NY. I would call up and just check the serial number. Dont get aquisitional, but it probably wouldnt hurt to check.


Jun 28, 2005
West Laurens. Davenport is far out, i would just say davenport if i were you =p. Think of it this way. I'm the guy who mows hannaford in Oneonta, lol. and both burger kings.


Apr 9, 2003
Cool, aint nothing wrong with mowing lawns. I know some people over in your neck of the woods. Warren and Travis Yager. I have DJed parties for them, nothing too recent, maybe last summer.


Jun 28, 2005
Travis Yager-that kid gets his ass in way too deep doesn't he? I don't know warren though. You know Justin Barney right? You should he's big into MX. Senior this year. And lawn mowing kicks ass. At $5 an hour i make good cash, enough to buy me some hop-ups. 'course i'm thinkin i wanna sell my PW80 because my dad says he wants it stock when i "grow out" of it. (will never happen w/new performance enhancers). Anyway tell me if you know of Fox Hollow Nursery.


Apr 9, 2003
Nope. Warren is Travis's dad. Thats about all I know from West Laurens. Do you have AIM? My sn is addictedadvocate. I dont really like jacking other peoples posts.
Jun 14, 2005
hey whats up my friend saw my yz85 yestesterday july 3rd and well not to far like 10 minutes from my house in a place called hatrtland where everyone trail rides... well im gunna be looking for this kid he is a tall skinny white kid i beleive his name is (name deleted with no proof don't make accusations).. and well im gunna take a bat to his head if i see him riding it
Oct 28, 2004
good luck getting your bike back, your gonna be one of the few that do, too many get stolen down here in MD and are never seen again. dont do anything too stupid, let the cops handle it and then get him lol
Jun 14, 2005
ya i will call them when i see him but i dont know the exact house i know what town tho and i know his name i and i know 110% sure it was him .. well hopefully i get it back thanxs for the support .. jen

Ruff Rider

Sep 14, 2004
How funny would it be if you pretended to like him and started hitting on him so you could get his phone number (thus getting his address)

That would suck for him and id bet he would be afraid the next time a girl starts doing that


Formally known as RV6Junkie
Damn Yankees
Jan 8, 2000
nycrazygirl351 said:
and well im gunna take a bat to his head if i see him riding it

I'd be careful. It's possible that this person didn't steal your bike. Perhaps they bought it during what they thought was a legitimate sale.
Jun 14, 2005
hey whats up .. im thinking about doin the try the bike out thing and no i found out it was him they were talking about it liek 10 feet away from me and they pointed to the house .. they didnt know who i was .. well w/e im gunna egy it back im gunna go for a ride and run to thw cops or something hide u know ...
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