
Jun 4, 2001
STOLEN from Pittsburgh,pa
We had two CR 250's stolen last night form our garage.
1997-VIN JH2ME0300VM900807
2001-VIN JH2ME03371M301469

We are poor and can only post a $200 reward.
the 01 bike had numer 85-looks like a professional race bike. chevy truck ama sticker on the plate and ama frame sticker.

The 97 is older looking bike with gold pro tapers

Both bikes have aftermarket pipes.

PITTSBURGH'rs KEEP A LOOK OUT FOR US PLEASE!!!!! We don't have any insurance on these 2 bikes.
Larry Rice
[email protected]

:p :p :p :p :p


Jun 5, 2001
You should put this under the general section, we've been doing the same out here. Post this info everywhere, at tracks, shops, anywhere you can. Like I've said before, make it impossible for them to ride the bikes without someone seeing them and make sure they are input in the stolen system by the P.D. Good Luck



Oct 17, 2000
Send an email to the AMA...

They will put it in their monthly magazine in a stolen bike section. You are a member right? :eek:

Jimmy YZ80

Nov 8, 2001
My brother had his 2001 Yamaha Banshee stolen from our home on Tuesday night. He made up a flyer with a picture on it offering a reward. He took the flyer to Staples and had 500 copies made. He and his friends then rode around putting the flyers up in as many places as they could. (Riding spots, parts shops, all night stores, skating rinks and even the high schools). They also taped the flyes in the windows of their cars and trucks to get as much exposure as possibe. I believe it cost him less than $25 for all the copies, and hopefully someone will see the flyer and call with information that wil get the bike back. He didn't have insurance either and had only just made the second payment on the quad. He still owes over $5000 on a bike someone else is now enjoying. We haven't heard anything yet, but hopefully we will soon.

Good luck. I really hope you get your bikes back. Try the flyers, someone out there knows or has heard of someone getting a bike recently. The reward is sometimes enough incentive for someone to pick up the phone and make the cal.


Nov 1, 2001
Did the flyers

I did that and it worked. I put up 100 full color posters with a 1000 rewad. I had two calls. Unfortanlty I only got a fist name so far. This guy is a real bad ass who stole the bikes. Everyone is afraid to Rat on him cause he will kill them. Literally kill them.

Even if I do get the bike back I may have bigger problems after.

If I get my bikes back I'll take my chances with him

Jimmy YZ80

Nov 8, 2001
Good to hear you got some kind of info. We haven't gotten any response yet, but are still hopeful. I found out last night that my brother went to the Burlington County Times and took out a "Paid Advertising " spot that is due to run for 6 days starting tomorrow (Sunday). It will be a shrunken down version of the flyers that he placed all over the place. For just over $300 he will be able to have the flyer seen by everybody that subscribes to the paper in our County. The ad is supposed to be 2 columns wide by 6" long and will include the picture of the bike and all info on the flyer. It is also supposed to be placed in the heart of the paper, not in the classified. I will let you know if he gets any bites on it. He figures that the more poeple that see the flyer, the better chance he has of retrieving his property.

Good luck with your info. Between us, maybe if you get your bike back you can have someone drag the bad guy behind it for a couple of miles or until he loses his taste for other peoples hard earned stuff. Only kidding?? Again, keep me informed if you get your bike back or you have any other ideas that may help get my brothers bike back. Jimmy.


Nov 1, 2001
How did they get stolen? Do you think it was someone that lived right near you. I knew the person had to be local so I walked around talking to neighbors. You'd be suprised how quickly the word spreads. I found out a lot of dirt on people that live near me. I printed out flyers and gave one to every group of kids I saw. YOU HAVE TO POST A REWARD. Most people won't go out of there way to help you unless they have something to gain from it. The exception are other MX'ers and that's who called me this weekend with info. I saw a FOX sticker on his truck and put a flyer on his windshield.
The only advice I have is be persistant and don't be shy. Walk the neighborhood. I've also been staking out local riding spots.

Good luck
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