Stories from Spodefest


Sep 7, 2001
How about some stories from the Spodefest? Yeah, I'm asking you guys to let those of us who could not attend just how much fun we all missed out on. Anyway it would be great to get an update on how it all went down. Thanks! Congrats to all that attended.


Apr 28, 2001
I was there along with my daughter Katie. We arrived about 12:30 Friday to find a locked gate and no one around who knew anything about a spodefest. After a few minutes, a guy showed up on a KDX who was looking for freinds who were coming to the fest, so he let us in. We got camp set up, and met up with Opie and the rest. I had never been to the location, and really liked the trails. It was fun riding through the river and getting the bike washed off.

We got geared up and went for a ride. There was a lot of water and mud on all the trails, but I prefer that to dust! My daughter is a beginner, and I liked the easy trails that suited her. I can't really report many stories.... we knew hardly anyone!! I did run into a couple of freinds from the Amarillo spodefest we did a month or so ago. I promised not to tell their stories, but I will give some hints... Mkimbro should stay away from Crown Royal and tequila... it can lead to embarrasment and a need for tow ropes and 4 X 4 hi- jacks. And my other buddy who led the rides at Amarillo, Trailryder42, definately prefers dry and rocky over slick and muddy.... he will have the doctor bills to prove it

All in all, we had a great time, and a first for me... all weekend and not one crash! Thanks to all who organized the event!!


Nov 12, 2001
Wow, I'm surprised it took this long to get out. The short story is about 3:30 Saturday morning we went on a firewood hunt. Don't quite know why we needed more wood but we went. For those of you that have been to muenster I decided to take the trail that runs above the west side of the creek. It got a little narrow and when I tried to back out I nearly backed it off a 20ft cliff! It was so close the drivers side rear wheel was hanging in the breeze! Next morning we got it out but not before I blew a tire and had to change it. Thanks again Butch for finding the jack.

2 lessons learned here.

1. No more Tequila and Crown.

2. Stay in camp after dark.


Check the photo in my gallery!
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