Stuck pad pin plug on rear caliper


Feb 1, 2007
I am trying to replace the pads on the rear brake of my 98 CR250R. The pad pin plug looks very worn and distorted and is not coming out. The Clymer manual doesn't say if you twist it out or pull out and the last thing I want to do is have to haul it to the shop for a simple pad change. Any body have any tips for this one? :think:


Apr 1, 2007
spary some wd40 on it and let it soak for a bit and try to unscrew it, if the allen head is stripped out relly bad you can try tapping a torx bit in the hole , that trick usually works. You can also try heating around the pin witha propane tourch but thats if all else fails . when you do get it out get some aftermarket pins that use a hex head instead of an allen .
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