Stupid dog! Info needed!(I promise this is true!)(

Jon K.

Mar 26, 2001
Update; Princess is doing great!! (Though I am still a little traumatized) She has figured out how to eat like an alligator by raising her head to swallow, and drinks water by sticking her whole head in the (deep) water dish. She sounds like she is going to drown when she drinks. She is gaining weight and seems to be her old happy self.
She is still a little messy, but we can deal with it.
Thanks everyone for your support.

Green Horn

aka Chip Carbone
N. Texas SP
Jun 20, 1999
Glad to hear that she's doing good.


Jul 1, 2002
I had a chow chow and it got run over by a soccer mom in her suburban then she put it in reverse and ran over it again. LMAO. The dog was alright so i can laugh about it but jeez lady. Tough luck wfo and hopefully your daugher isnt scarred for life. 8)
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