
Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Sunday's Flach's Farm Hare Scramble was a definite mud fest. I woke up to a light drizzle at my house, but by the time a arrived at dirtybkr's it was full fledged rain. We scarfed down some grub at a diner on the way and arrived at Flach's just after 9:30. The mini's and juniors were out on the course and it looked like conditions weren't getting any better. By the time we worked our way through sign-up and back to the truck, the weather was back to a drizzle. The drizzle continued all the way to the start of our race which had been postponed by 45 minutes.

Both dirtybkr and myself were in the Vet Novice which was on the last row. My bike desperately needs new rings which meant about a six kick start for me. I was last off the line heading into the woods, but it wasn't a big deal. The five rows ahead of us had all been seperated by only 30 seconds. When I arrived at the first hill there were bikes and bodies sprawled all over the place. I picked a line and began to torque my way up through the greasy mud. Every once in a while my rear tire would catch a small rock in the mud and spin out. This meant getting off the seat, rocking the bike over the obstacle and hopping back on to maximize traction. About half-way up my engine started to overheat and I was making quick moves to dodge all the stuck riders. Next thing I look over and see dirtybkr. Obviously I'd caught him. All of a sudden he darts off the trail into the woods. Not the best move considering wet leaves make for worse traction. I struggled and pin-balled off other riders until I finally reached the summit of mount grease, passing more than half of all the novice class riders in the process. By this time my engine is steaming like a Vietnamese whorehouse. I kill the motor and crack the radiator cap. Less than a pint spewed out of the radiator yet it was bone dry. I emptied the contents of my Camelbak which barely made a dent, so I relieved myself until it was topped off. This at least made the bike rideable, but the damage had already been done. The rings were definitely relaxed at this point and the power was down.

I continued on into the grass track portion which required keeping plenty of momentum. There was quite a bit of banner already missing so I took a few of the "hot" lines to get around stuck riders. At this point my goggles were down around my neck having blitzed through my three tear-offs on the hill. Mud was caking on my face. Nothing like the feeling of grit scratching up your contacts in your eyeballs. Once we got into the woods, the trails were in excellent shape. I actually got out of second gear and was keeping the bike cooled down. There were a couple of small hills covered with roots. I'd come up and there'd be three or four riders stuck. Always some guy would come charging through and add himself to the carnage. This method may work at a regular h/s, but at a slop fest you need to pick your lines carefully. I made it up these obstacles without any trouble.

In the woods I probably passed the same number of riders that passed me. Once in a while I'd hang with one of the faster riders until he'd crash out. The woods were excellent. Absolutely no rocks to speak of and very little mud. Had the club not thrown us at that first hill I would have continued on, but I decided to take the cautious approach and quit after my first lap. No use in doing any more abuse to my engine.

Fifteen minutes after I came in, dirtybkr completed (what I thought at the time was his second lap) his first lap. I hadn't seen him since mount grease and always figured he'd been ahead of me. I yelled at him telling him I wanted a steak dinner so he soldiered on for another lap... poor *******.

At the conclusion on the novice race I kept waiting for dirtybkr. He finally pulled up to the truck with a toasted clutch. He only completed one and a half laps. Due to my quicker lap time I ended up the winner and bought him lunch. Out of 30 riders in our class I only completed one lap and came in 11th or 12th place with dirtybkr right behind me.

Tolls - $1.00
Gate fee - $5.00
Sign-up - $35.00
Bar code sticker - $5.00
Lunch - $20.00
Wussing out and still spanking dirtybkr - Priceless :p


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
…so I relieved myself until it was topped off…
TMI :eek:

Sounds like fun? :think: If your bike overheated with that fancy catch tank, imagine what mine would have done. Yikes! Atleast you spanked dirtybkr :debil:

Will you have the bike ready for Paragon?


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by Papakeith
I agree with RM_guy TMI
Thus the difference between a motocrosser and an enduro rider.


Super Power AssClown
Oct 4, 1999
New Mexico
Originally posted by Papakeith
No, I've just never felt the need to pee on my air cooled engines ;)

LOL Papakeith!

Remember this is a family forum, Woodsy. Some of your metaphors are, ah, quite colorful. ;)

Our HS was very well attended on Sunday, especially considering the weather. I saw jib while I was walking around the parking area, and he mudded his way through 5 or 6 laps. Our club workers managed to keep the 8+ miles rideable for the whole event-- the rain provided enough of a challenge!


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by LoriKTM
Some of your metaphors are, ah, quite colorful.
At least I didn't describe the smell of the portacan. :uh:


Mar 17, 2000
Originally posted by RM_guy

TMI :eek:

Sounds like fun? :think: If your bike overheated with that fancy catch tank, imagine what mine would have done. Yikes! Atleast you spanked dirtybkr :debil:
Troll , but I'll bite ;)


Mar 17, 2000
Man , you should work politics . The facts are straight but the spin is a little out of round .

I stated in another post that if we both DNF'd that it probably wouldn't be posted here , but , I see Woodsy has no shame .He quits a race after the 1st lap then runs to his computer to claim victory . :p

Well ,this is how I saw Sundays race . Bill picked me up at my place right on time and we went to breakfast . I sprung for it figuring that he would be buying my lunch later.

Sign in was brutal ,it seems that there was some kind of screw up at the previous race and they had to reissue new #s at this one . Our starting line was HUGE probably close to 40 riders and I get to the 1st turn in 5th . I was in 4th by the 3rd turn when I slid side ways and crashed . The start was the only glory for me for the day .

The first and really only stopper on the track was a hill that climbed about 250 feet , was slick as hell and littered with bikes and bodies . I caught up to Bill about a third of the way up, asked if he was having fun then left him there as I shot to the side of the trail looking for traction. I found none . It took me a bit to pick my way to the top but once up there the track really was nice . A good mix of grass track , tight single track , some shorter elevation changes and some high speed wide trail . Once back down the mountain and approaching the barrels , I saw Bill on the side lines , I just figure he must of broke his bike ,and I kept going . I was having a ball , though I was not looking forward to that nasty ass hill . After the barrels there was a really sweet natural MX track that ran up and down the side of the hill which Bill never saw because he QUIT after the 1st lap and the MX section was not in the 1st lap .

The second time up the hill was not pretty ,but was faster than the first .I made it about 1/2 way before getting stuck and then was used for traction a couple of times by some faster guys before I made it to the top .

Then back to the grass track when I noticed the clutch was slipping . I stopped and pulled back the rubber boot on the perch to try and adjust it . There wasn't much adjustment left and the treads were gritty with all the mud ,but I got a little more clutch and headed into the woods . It didn't take long for it to start slipping again so about 1/2 way through the 2nd lap I was done .

I waited by a dirt road for the sweep to come through and point out the easy way back to the pits . Luckily it wasn't far and pretty much all down hill .Bill placed 11th and I placed 12th .

Bill got around the 1st lap faster than me , sure , but a race is more than 1 lap . Sorry Bill , I'm the winner here . I rode my bike until IT quit , and ,I ate you're lunch . The price of wussing out and still spanking Dirtybkr isn't priceless , its cheep . :p
Last edited:


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
Originally posted by dirtybkr
Sorry Bill , I'm the winner here . I rode my bike until IT quit , and ,I ate you're lunch .
So Flubie, why didn't you buy lunch at Blessing's?

What about a rematch at Catra?


Damn Yankees
Nov 21, 2000
North East USA
I knew the truth would come out. It's no wonder that Woods didn't ride on the MX track. What a Nancy girly boy. :p


Sponsoring Member<BR>Club Moderator
Damn Yankees
Oct 13, 1999
That's might big talk from a guy that's never raced before!
Who's the Nancy now RM_girl?
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