Taneum work party/ride


Sponsoring Member
Oct 23, 2000
This was a great weekend. On Saturday we all headed up to Taneum Junction campground, where the ORV Forest Service rangers had organized a work party. I have met Mikki and Wally before and they are both awesome people and great riders. We rode about 15 miles in (through killer trails, I even made it through the water crossings) and then cut back all the brush along 1/4 or 3/8 mile worth of trail. With 10 people this went by REALLY fast and we rode some more, for a total of 28 that day. (Can you tell I just got an enduro computer?)

Sunday was ALL riding, and we put in probably 45 miles. Some of the same trails, some new ones. 9/10s of the trails were everything you could ask for in a trail, except maybe fewer whoops. The upper trails see less use so they weren't as whooped out. However there was one short section of nasty horrible rocks that just beat the crap out of me.

I have to say--while I used to be partial to the eastern Washington riding, the central part of the state may be eclipsing that in my opinion. The eastern slopes of the Cascade mountains are beautiful. The weather was nice--some overcast that came and went, some wind, but it never felt too hot, and for mid-July that's great. It was pretty dusty but oh well, I guess you can't have everything. Some of the scenery was just amazing though. Old growth forest, open meadows, creeks, etc. Most creeks had bridges over and I even managed to RIDE through all of the water crossings instead of crashing in them like normal.

The best part of the weekend? It all happened 30 minutes from my house. :yeehaw:


May 17, 2001
Mikki, Wally, and John are all awesome rangers, and riders as well. I'd ride with any of them any day. I had a lot of fun on the ride, and left very tired. I'm surprised I'm not too sore today, but I'm sure tired still. I'll remember this weekend for a long time.



Oct 3, 1999
Sounds like you guys had a lot of fun, can't wait to do some riding down there..
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