taraker said:Rain or shine I plan on being there and whoopin Looney like a red headed step child. Look for C111 blastin past an ole clapped out Katoom :laugh:
taraker said:He would always smoke me in practice, but throw a green flag & ole Looney folds like a cheap suit :ohmy:
taraker said:Yo EL Looney Toons, who's yer daddy :nener:
This is all the recent smack talk that taraker has spewed towards myself, from before and after the first race. During all of this, I said very little, only that, at the second race...
yzguy15 said:I'll get ya next time....
And boy did I ever. I'd say you've got some 'splainin to do Mr. Davis. If anybody here folds like a cheap suit (other than twinkles) it would be you. Your average laps at race one were a mere 6 seconds faster than mine. You finished about 37 seconds ahead of me in actual time. Not too bad really.. until you consider that at race 2 my average laps were almost a minute faster (57 secs. to be exact) and I finished 3 mins and 11 secs before you did. That's quite a difference I'd say.
At race one, you merely beat me. At race two, I owned you. Who's YER daddy now? :nener: